Saturday, March 03, 2007

Spinning So Totally Rocks!

That was the best day ever! I had a great time at my spinning class -- I learned a lot. I am glad, though, that I've been playing with my drop spindle for the last couple of weeks. It really helped understanding how to draft the wool, etc. The first thing I learned was "teasing" the wool. It had been cleaned, but you still have to pick out all the little bits and pieces of straw/grass. Then I learned how to use the hand carders to work the fibre into workable pieces of roving. Boy, as a knitter, do I ever appreciate the work that goes into spinning workable yarn!!!

I rented a Louet S10 wheel until the end of June. It cost $20.00 to rent the wheel, three bobbins, and a set of handcarders until the end of June. Pretty it will let me know if, down the road, I would like to invest in my own wheel. I can tell you right's most likely a, "you better believe I will" kinda response.

While there, I spun two bobbins of singles and then learned how to ply them together. I got about 23 yards of that skein. Tonight I finished plying another 26 yards. I'm kinda really most definitely loving the spinning! I think tonight I will be working a treadle in my sleep!! :)

I am pretty tired after today's exciting events. My baby girl woke up at 6 a.m. this morning with a bad nightmare and didn't want to go back to sleep. I was too excited about my class to even think about sleeping, so I stayed up with her. Suffice it to say, I'm beat. I usually stay up and watch Saturday Night Live, but I don't know if I'll make it tonight. Eyes are getting droopy as we speak...

Well, time to tuck my girl into bed for the night. Good night loverly peoples...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your spinning success. It's a great feeling, isn't it?

I could not handle the spindle until after I had learned on the wheel, for some reason. Now I understand and appreciate both methods.

But it took awhile.

Sheepish Annie said...

Nice job!!! The whole process is just so addictive. I never had a class or anything so I had to learn through trial, error and the internet. Looking back, I wish I'd gotten a bit of instruction before I leapt in!