Friday, November 30, 2007

Hello Out There...

...Is anybody still out there? I have been rather negligent in updating my blog as of late. Christmas hours at the portrait studio are crazy for the next few weeks. So I haven't really been on the computer at all lately. I checked my e-mail today ... over 400 unread messages!!!! Yipes!

Also need to knit -- spinning hasn't even been in my thoughts (I've missed the last three meetings!!!!) Just too crazy right now. Be patient with me. After Dec 13th, things will slow down a lot. Until then, I will probably be away from the computer. I need to also update my pictures (organize them). They are sorrily misfiled right now and undated!!!

Better go -- I've been sick the last few days with a sinus infection so I've been off work. Back to work tomorrow, Sunday off (we'll be decorating the house for Christmas), and then back to work next week. Take care and stick with me!!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Still Here...

Hi Everyone!

Sorry it has been awhile since I've last posted. Work has been keeping me pretty busy -- but I'm no longer hauling bread...

I got a job as a portrait photographer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello...dream job!!!!!!!! :D

It has been quite busy since Christmas is coming and most of my shifts have been from 11am to 8pm (the only negative side to the whole thing). I miss having dinner with my family during the week. But it's only until the new year. Then the studio goes back to it's regular hours (10am to 7pm).

I have really been enjoying it. I love working with the kids and babies. It's a lot of fun and I'm so thankful this opportunity came up for me. It's been a real blessing.

The dark side of it all is...I haven't picked up my knitting for a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yipes! By the time I get home from work, I just want to hang out with my family before Baby Girl has to go to bed. Then I crash on the couch with hubby to catch a couple of sitcoms, CSI, or a reality show (Survivor & Amazing Race) and I'm out like a light.

I have tomorrow off, so I'm hoping to pick up the sticks while hubby watches football -- Go Riders!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!! Riders rock!!! :D

Have a great weekend everyone...I'll try to keep in touch more regularly.