Saturday, July 14, 2007

How you doin'?

Hi All,

I have been rather busy this last couple of weeks. We've had company on and off, my hubby and baby girl spent a rather cold and rainy week at camp last week, and, of course, there's always laundry!

I washed up the remaining fleece from Sis the sheep (we used her fleece for the Back to Back Spinning/Knitting Challenge). It washed up beautifully -- it is soooooo soft! Last week I spun it and plyed it. This morning I set the twist and now it is drying. It really created a bulky yarn ... not too sure what I'll do with it. Probably make a hat -- I don't think there will be enough there for a scarf. I'll post pics later.

But for now I just wanted to say hi. Summer blogging will be sporadic at best. We've had pretty rainy weather lately, so when the sun finally breaks through, I'm outside with the camera. Here's a taste of what has been catching my eye as of late:
A Thunder Bay Sunset
A Thunder Bay Sunset
Sis's fleece waiting to be spun
A red-capped mushroom...I was rather excited
about this since I've never in my life seen
an actual red-capped mushroom

Monday, July 02, 2007

Oh, I love you!

Oh Canada, our home and native land,

True patriot love, with all our sons command.

With glowing hearts, we see thee rise

Thy true north, strong and free.

From far and wide, O Canada,

We stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land, glorious and free,

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

I love Canada and I love being Canadian! Yesterday our nation celebrated it's 140th birthday. We went down to Marina Park to take part in some of the festivities followed by fireworks. It was the first time our daughter had been able to attend the fireworks. She was so excited and loved every minute of it.

To my American friends, have a great 4th of July!

Here are a few pictures from our day:

I need to get me one of these crowns...
I am a princess after all.

Canadian Punks even came out for the festivities!

Even our cops are hot!!! :D

Great fireworks

A truly Canadian icon!