Friday, July 18, 2008

I've been telling you robots would take over the world...

Hi All,

Well, my DH and DD went to see the movie Wall*e a couple weeks ago. We met up with friends after work to see the show -- honestly, I was exhausted and really wasn't interested in watching the movie at all. So, my plan was to hunker down in my comfy-cushy theatre seat and have a bit of a snooze.

The movie opens and my sleepy eyes start getting droopier by the minute. But after a short time, something in my subconscious told me to sit up and take notice of what is happening on the screen. Much to my dismay, I soon realized that the "helpful" space robots in the movie are actually taking over for the human race. I leaned over to my husband and said (in my best I-told-you-so voice), "I told you robots would take over the world." From that moment, I watched the rest of the movie making mental notes on what I must do to protect myself and my loved ones from the onslaught of the impending robot invasion!!!! laugh now, but you won't be laughing later my friends...

Have a great weekend,


Monday, July 07, 2008

Getting Back to Basics

Hello Babies,

I am back...and getting back to basics. A lot has been happening for us lately and so returning the the "basics" has slowly become an essential for dealing with everything.

First of all, we are moving...back to Saskatchewan. Arron got a call to serve three parishes there, so we are off at the beginning of August.

Secondly, I've been missing my knitting and spinning. Yep...there you go. I was sitting on the couch the other night and the breeze coming in through the window was so cold, it actually felt like fall. I promptly headed downstairs, grabbed some wool and sticks, and headed back upstairs. After I snuggled in under a blanket with a movie playing and my favourite bevie beside me, I proceeded to knit with some handspun I made quite some time ago.

It was wonderful and I've missed it a lot -- I forgot just how relaxing and therapeutic it is for me. I've been wanting to spin too, but since I am no longer part of the Spinner's Guild in town, I haven't been renting a wheel. I do have my drop spindle, so I think that will have to suffice for the moment. At least until we get moved. Then I would like to save up for a wheel.

I'd better go -- tah tah for now!
