Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hello...Are You Still Out There?!?

Hello Loverly Peoples,

I hope you haven't given up on me. This week my daughter has been home for Spring Break and so, being the ever-faithful, oh-so-awesome, super-fantastico mama I have kept myself busy with her all week. We have had fun outside, went for loverly walks, sat out on the back deck while baby girl played on her swing set (someone needs to be out there with her right now...apparently there is a pack of wolves somewhere in the area...yipes!), gone bowling with friends, hit the library, watched movies and kids cartoons, held bunnies and guinea pigs at the pet store...and now it's Saturday. And I feel terrible that I have neglected you. It's not's me. I really am not good a multitasking, so as a result, blogging, spinning, knitting, etc have all been sorrily neglected!

But Mads and I have had a fun week. Hubby is busy as usual ... it is the church season of Lent and so that means extra services and so that means hubby is MIA until after Easter. It gets pretty busy around here during this time of year. But with my baby girl off school this week, I decided to carelessly throw my chores out the window (HA! Like I even planned on keeping up...sheesh!) and spent time with my girl this week.

Today is bright and sunny. A good day for hanging out laundry -- better get at it. I spent about two hours this morning carding and spinning. I am excited to say I have almost finished spinning all the fibre I got from my class. Next I am thinking of dying some of the skeins and trying a quick project so I have something to take for "Show & Tell" at the next Spinners Guild meeting.

Well, gorgeous peoples, I am off. It sure felt good sitting down and blogging again. I'll be back tomorrow...I promise.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for it to warm up enough to throw clothes out on the line. There's nothing more refreshing than line-dried clothes.

Sheepish Annie said...

No sun here, I'm afraid! We are in the tail end of an impressive late season storm. Too sad...I must stay in and spin all day. Poor little me!

I think it is admirable of you to take the week off and spend it with your daughter. That is far more important than the household chores. Those will always be there. Time with your little girl won't. You have to enjoy the little ones when you have the opportunities to do it. She'll remember that more than clean floors 'n such!