Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I'm Still Here

Hi All!

Sorry it's been almost a week since I've last posted, but life is busy around here. The season of Lent is upon us which means extra services, soup suppers, and a lot of schedule shuffling. The adult confirmation class my husband is teaching has moved from the church to our house on Tuesday evenings, so that keeps me on my toes just trying to keep up on the laundry and cleaning the house (my favourite...). Tonight I am signed up to make soup and bring buns for our supper before the Lenten service. So that will keep me busy today.

On the fibre front, things are still hoppin'. I'm still working on my mom's shawl. I had a bit of a falling out with it for a couple of days when it insisted that I tear it out eight times before finally getting it. The pattern calls for knit, yarnover, K2tog (knit 2 stitches together). Pretty simple pattern. But rather than having the number of stitches cast on divisible by three, the pattern called for a cast on of 80 sts. Well, after frogging the shawl eight times, cursing like a sailor the whole time, the shawl and I came to an agreement. I simply adjusted the number of CO sts. Now things are going swimmingly! Perhaps if we get some sun in the next couple of days, I will take some pictures.

On the spinning front...I'm all signed up for the guild and for my class this Saturday. I missed the first class (there are two Saturdays in total), but it simply covered working with the drop spindle which I have slowly been catching on to. I am really enjoying it -- it's quite relaxing. This Saturday they will be reviewing the drop spindle, washing the fleece, and preparing it for spinning (which is good since I missed that...although it would be easy enough to get together with someone and have them show me). And then... duh duh duh duh! ... learning how to spin on the wheel!!!!! That is what I am most excited about. The guild has wheels they rent out ($5.00 a month) plus you can rent handcarders and other equipment for $5.00 per month. Pretty reasonable.

My Lacy Kerchief Scarf is in a bit of a holding pattern right now. I need to finish my mom's shawl and get it off into the mail. Then my next plan is to finally finish my scarf! I started it in December and have been just picking at it lately. But I want to finish it so I can get some use out of it this season.

Well, that's life in a very tight nutshell. Hope you are all doing well.

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