Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Good Morning Starshine, The Earth Says Hello...

Does anyone remember that song by the musical group Hair? Good Morning Starshine, The Earth Says Hello. Well, it has become my cheesy musical number for this morning's blog. The one beautiful thing about having the temperature gauge reading about minus a gazzilion is that the sun is always shining.

Today after dropping my daughter off at school, I noticed the thermometer outside read -35 C (which is pretty much the same temp in F). But the sun was coming up and it was loverly. I just had to snap some pictures while the song was playing in my head.

For fun, I've looked up the full set of lyrics for Good Morning Starshine. In fact as I snapped a few photos, I found myself singing, "Good Morning Starshine, the earth says hello...HELLO! It's frickin' freezing out here! Woo Hoo Global Warming!"

Please enjoy my Good Morning Starshine photoblog...

Good Morning Starshine...

The Earth Says Hello...

You Twinkle Above Us...

We Twinkle Below...

(Editorial Note: These guys were obviously high when they wrote this one...)

Good morning starshine, the earth says hello
you twinkle above us,
we twinkle below
good morning starshine,
you lead us along
my love and me
as we sing our early morning singing song
gliddy glub gloopy
nibby nabby noopy
la la la - lo lo
sabba sibbi sabba
nooby aba naba
lee lee - lo lo
tooby ooby wala
nooby aba naba
early morning singing song
Good morning . . .gliddy glub gloopy . . .
Singing a song,
humming a song
singing a song
loving a song,
laughing a song
singing a song
sing the song
song the sing
song song song
sing sing sing sing
song song song song
sing sing sing sing song


Anonymous said...

It's not as cold where we are (being in the single digits below zero) but the views look just about the same. The incoming snowstorm may change them a little and I bet we won't see the sun for a couple of days.

I got groceries. We're good to hunker down.

Sheepish Annie said...

Lovely pictures! And it looks cold...very cold.