Sunday, February 18, 2007

Eeeeeeeeeeeeee -- I'm So Excited...Can ya tell?

I am so excited I think I'm going to pee my pants... Phew! I'm glad that urge passed...

For many years, I have been fascinated with the art of spinning. I remember in 1998 in Castlegar, British Columbia I had the opportunity to watch a woman spinning. I think at that moment I was hooked. It looked so relaxing and it amazed me that from a bit of wool she was able to spin this beautiful, workable yarn. That aspect of the arts intrigues me. For awhile I had the opportunity to teach pottery (perhaps I'll post some pics of some of my pieces sometime) and it was the same thing. You have this lump of clay in your hand and with a bit of manipulation you can throw some amazing pieces of art or things to use in your house everyday.

Well, after enviously looking at other people's blogs who knit and spin, I'm gonna do it! We have a Spinnners and Weavers Guild in town and they meet this Monday. Good friends of ours gave me money for my birthday to pay for a membership...the excitement is unbearable! I can't wait for tomorrow night.

Also, my parents gave me a gift certificate for my b'day for my favourite yarn shop in town, Threads in Time. So I was finally able to go yesterday with my daughter. Get daughter said to me, "Mommy I love coming here because you can touch everything. Everything feels so nice." EEEEEEEEEE...A fibre addict is born!

Anywho...I used my gift certificate to purchase a few things for spinning. I couldn't wait until Monday (they probably don't spin at the meetings anyways...duh!). I've wanted to try working with a drop spindle so I picked out a simple instruction booklet which covers the basics of using the drop spindle, cleaning the fleece, etc. I also got some rolags which have been carded and are ready to spin. I bought a classic drop spindle, and a niddy noddy. I also bought three small pouches of dye to try down the road.

Well, last night I couldn't bear it anymore. I tore open the bag of rolags, tore some off, and with book-in-hand, I made my first attempts at spinning. A bit pathetic and sad looking to say the least...but hey, it's spinning!!!!!I took some pics to show you my poor attempts...but hey, when I first tried pottery, there were no award winning pieces being thrown that night! I had to take some pictures this morning so that some day I can look back and say, "Hey, I've come a long way!"

Well, I'd better go get ready for church. My daughter reminded me last night that I play organ this morning...yipes! I got so wrapped up in my spinning excitement (pardon the pun), that I completely forgot that I play this morning. Ooops! I'd better get showered up and quickly run through the hymns I need to play.

Tah tah my loverlies!


Sheepish Annie said...'s a slippery slope! There is a wheel in your future, you know. ;)

I bought a new spindle yesterday and have been playing with it today. I'v forgotten more than I care to admit, but it sure is fun!


Anonymous said...

Everyone's first spinning, looks a little thick and thin. Don't worry about it, just have fun. It all comes together.