Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Strange Turn of Events

Hi My Beautifuls...

Well, last night proved to be an interesting evening. My husband had a meeting across town from where the Spinner's Guild was meeting, so he dropped me daughter and I off at Subway for supper. From there we walked 5 mins to a local mall and wandered about for about 20 mins. Then the 5 min trek up the hill to Jumbo Gardens...the place where all my spinning dreams would come true (pardon the melodramatics...). Well, we got to the building and tried the door...hmmm, locked. We walked around to the east side of the building. Hmmm, locked. We then tried the west door...you guessed it, locked. There were lights on in the building and so I buzzed the intercom. The custodian met us at the south doors where, I'm sad to say, he informed us that there was no Spinners' Guild that met there at all. Here's a blow-by-blow account of what followed:

"What do you mean there's no Spinners' Guild. I was told they meet here at Jumbo Gardens," I informed him.

"Well, ma'am, this is just a daycare facility. There are no meetings here at all," he politely responded.

By now, I am a bit hysterical (by the way, I just looked up the definition on dictionary.com to give a full description of me at this point...#3 says it all: irrational from fear, emotion, or an emotional shock). It was as though my brain was refusing to process the information just given to me.

"But that's impossible," I said, trying desperately to hide the high-pitched squeals which were now my voice. I began to realize by this point that my daughter and I would be waiting outside for at least an hour while waiting for my husband to pick me up.

"Is it possible there is another Jumbo Gardens," I asked, no longer trying to hide the hysterical pitch of my voice.

"Yes," the custodian responded. "Up about 4 blocks and then at the end of that road (which is equal to about 2-3 city blocks)."

"Thanks," I responded. I knew I couldn't be mad at him because it was really not his fault. But I really felt like flying toward him and scratching his eyes out. But that would have been wrong. Especially in front of my 7 yr old daughter...

Well, I needed to make a quick decision. We would continue to hike it! So up the hill we went (by this time I'm muttering to myself while at the same time, trying to reassure my daughter everything was fine).

"Let's find the positive," I told my daughter as we huffed and puffed up the hill. (By the way, I am so totally the opposite of positive...I'm not even close to seeing the glass as half full some days). So we figured that we had a most excellent sandwich at Subway, we got to "hang out at the mall", and we were having a terrific walk.

Well, I figured when we got there, I would just have time to pay my membership for the Guild, sign up for the class they're offering, and then we would have to leave to hike back down the hill and wait at the original building for my hubby to pick us up (because he would have no idea where we were).

We walked almost to the end of that main road the rec centre was supposed to be on, but I didn't see anything. Okay, now I'm really having to go pee. What to do, what to do. Ahhhh... friends from church live on the next street over. So we hiked to their place, where I was able to use the washroom, call my husband (no, we don't have cell phones...I know...gasp all you like...I really can't stand them and hope I never need to purchase one...although I thought last night would have been the perfect opportunity to have them), and we were thankfully able to wait for him to pick us up in a nice warm house with great company.

To say I was disappointed last night is an understatement.

But every cloud has it's silver lining...or in this case...a fleece lining....

Today, my favourite yarn shop has a knitting group from 1-4pm. I went with the hopes that the one lady from the Spinners' Guild would be there. She wasn't. But another lady was. I mentioned that I had really tried to get to the meeting last night, but was unable to make it.

"It wasn't last night," she politely informed me. "It's this coming Monday. We meet on the fourth Mondays."

Apparently I was given the wrong information...

But......... happy happy joy joy. I didn't miss it! So I got the correct information from her and everything is hunky-dorky.

Well, I'd better go. American Idol is starting. Not sure if I'll make it through...I'm pretty beat tonight. Talk to you tomorrow...

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