Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Quirky...Who Me?

'Ello 'ello 'ello!

Well I read a challenge of sorts on Sheepish Annie's blog the other day and I thought I would try to come up with 10 quirky things about myself. I'm not going to tag anyone else, but if you want to do this yourself, let me know so I can check out your quirkiness compared to my own...'cause I'm all about the quirk baby!

Quirky Thing #1: I am terrified of balloons. Not blimps or weather balloons or the Remax variety. Not the pretty birthday balloons floating high on delicate pieces of ribbon. No I'm talkin' about when someone shoves a balloon right in your face and it makes that squeeky know the one. The one that says, "I'm gonna pop right in your face and there's nothing you can do about it." I think it's perhaps the squeeky part that really freaks me out. It gets me all ... nervous.

Quirky Thing #2: Robots freak me out. I've been saying it for years, "If we're not careful, these robots being invented are going to overtake the human population and rule the world." And then the movie I, Robot came out starring Will Smith. Need I say more...they're smart, people. Perhaps a little too smart. Keep watch.

Quirky Thing #3: I hate to hear people making chewing noises. It grosses me out completely. In fact I have had to leave the room on several occasions when people have unknowingly been making chewing noises. It especially grosses me out when I can hear people eating potato chips...the crunching (*shudder*). If we are having dinner or something, I always need to have noise going on in the background (TV, stereo, sparkling noise is the best!)

Quirky Thing #4: Everything I do, whether it's cleaning, brushing my teeth, BBQing...whatever...I HAVE to do those things in a particular order. I have tried to change things up, but it just feels wrong. It's as though the whole balance of the universe gets disrupted. Then my whole day feels out of whack -- it's best not to mess with order.

Quirky Thing #5: I love to make lists (see #4). But they cannot be written on a Blackberry (I don't even know what those are or if you can even make lists on them...) or even a typed list on the computer. These lists MUST be handwritten. That way I can physically cross items off. Gives me a sense of accomplishment. Plus, nothing feels better than the act of physical writing.

Quirky Thing #6: I love funky pens (see #5) for making my lists or just for writing in general. I like my's pretty. Ergo, I must have a funky pen for the whole writing experience to feel complete. Not just any old Bic ballpoint pen, either. Something smoothy and silky, where the ink flows freely without the pen nib catching or dragging on the paper.

Quirky Thing #7: I am a touchy-feely sort of person. If there is fibre, I will touch it. If it's a loverly piece of pottery, I will pick it up to feel the shape and the feel of the glaze, etc. If it is a person, I will often touch their hand or arm if I'm laughing with them. I love to give and receive hugs. I love snuggles from babies, my daughter or hubby, or pets. If something is squishy, I will squish it. If something is mushy, I will mush it through my fingers. You get the point.... however, points are sharp (me no likely sharp things...ouch!)

Quirky Thing #8: I snort when I laugh. Yep, I'll let out a good ol' snort if you really get me laughing hard enough.

Quirkly Thing #9: I blog. I am the type of person who wears her heart on her sleeve. So the person you converse with (or if you read my blog) that's me in a nutshell. There's no hiding who I am. If you don't like me, I'm sorry. And I am quirky enough to bear myself on a blog for everyone to know me.

Quirkly Thing #10: When I am nervous or tired, my right eye leaks from the outside corner. So I am usually dabbing at it with my sleeve or a tissue.

Well, that's me. I hope to hear all about your quirkiness...let me know.

1 comment:

Sheepish Annie said...

Afraid of robots...that's just silly! It's the zombies that will getcha!!!! Zombies don't need batteries or anything! Just sheer force of will!!! Ack!!!!

Great list of the quirkies. I always do feel so much better when others share their little unique habits. And you're right about the balloons. Brrrrr!