Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Snow Storm Alert

Well, we're starting to feel the effects of a big snow storm heading our way from across Canada. It started to snow earlier this evening, but we're expecting about 10 cm in the next 24 hrs (approx. 4 inches). But we're up the hill so we tend to get quite a bit more than town. We'll have to hunker down for the next day or so. Yeeee Hawww...that just means knittin' will be done! Still working on my scarf, my felted slippers, and I'm froggin' a pair of sock that I've been working on (pattern used was not my ususal...stupid pattern) so the first one has to get rrrrrrrriiiiiiiiipped out and started again. Yargh!

Just a quick one tonight. Been kind of a sucky day and can't think of anything happy to write about. Perhaps tomorrow will bear loverly topics of interest. Good night, dahlings!

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