Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hello My Loverlies!

I have way too many projects going on. I have four knitting projects that are all patiently waiting to be finished: my lacy kerchief scarf, my felted slippers, a gift for someone (no...not me), and...oh, for the love of Pete! The fourth project has slipped my mind. I think I am losing it these days. Hmmmmm, well, it will come back to me.

Anyways, the point is that I am obviously not very good at multi-tasking. I think it is because I become easily bored of things rather quickly. I like to challenge myself -- let's just chalk it up to the fact that I believe I am a genius! Hence I can't just stick to straight stockinette stitch or garter stitch projects anymore. I find them a little bit...mundane. Once I figured out how to read charts (for my lacy scarf project) it changed me. I LOVE the challenge, although, I do find myself talking like a sailor on some days. I also love the fact that I can actually figure them out on my own. It gives me a great sense of satisfaction.

However, challenging oneself does has its limitations. For example, I love to do jigsaw puzzles. I normally get the urge to complete one every year during the Christmas season. But I know my limitations. You will never find me working on those ridiculous puzzles that have the same sort of pattern on both sides, with abstract puzzle pieces, and has an irregular shaped frame. No sir...that's...that's just crazy! No headache is worth that type of accomplishment. Now, if you are the type of person who likes those type of puzzles, I'm sorry...but we could never be friends. It's not that you're not a nice person with fascinating hobbies, it's just that you think on a whole other level which may cause my chicken-like brain to implode. Therefore, your conversations just might leave me staring into space like a deer caught in the headlights. And we all know how messy those types of situations can be!

Now if you are one of those people who like to approach their puzzles from a more logical point-of-view (i.e. put the frame together first, then tackle the inside pieces) pull up a chair, roll out the green felt puzzle mat, and let's dish!


A J Craig said...

I sort puzzle pieces according to color scheme first, then figure out where that color scheme is used. eg. Sort out the blue sky pieces, and the green grass pieces, and such forth and which thing.

Sheepish Annie said...

One of the things I miss the most about my grandmother is doing puzzles. We could sit together for hours and just jigsaw out.

Now I have two cats. They do not appreciate puzzles. They like to bat things about instead. Thus, the puzzles are no longer a part of my life.

But, if they were then the frame gets done first. How else do you know where everything goes?????