Hi, my name is Teddy. But you can call me Ted for short.
You are all my royal subjects. I would like you to be my friends. I just wanna know, "How ya doin' peeps?" Tell me, what's your favourite thing to do? I hope it's to like teddies and knitting!
Did you have any birthdays yet? They're my favourite! This is Ted, signing off! Mwah...kisses! and hugs! xoxoxo ...(story told by my daughter for your viewing pleasure)
Well, he's finished! Finally. Note to self...never use fun fur yarn to make another anything that needs to be stitched together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A little frustrating to say the least. But he's finished and that makes me very happy. (Off camera: me doing a little happy dance)
I snapped a few pics this morning of Ted with a piggy bank I made while I had the pottery equipment at my itching fingertips.
Oh, if only I had a gazzilion dollars!!! I would be slinging mud all day...and knitting at night. Oh...if only... ... ... ... ...
Sorry about that! Drifted off into daydream-land for a few minutes. Back to reality.
Today my baby girl is home from school. She has a touch of the flu. My hubby is sick with a horrible cold. Ergo...I have locked myself into my cozy little home office/craft room/disaster area to fend off impending doom. Need I remind my faithful readers that tonight is my first Spinner's Guild meeting? Uh...yeah! Therefore, I don't need no stinkin' flu/cold bugs hovering around me just waiting to attack. Tomorrow, I can be sicker than a dog, but not today. Oh no, not today. Nothin' is gonna keep me from that meeting tonight. I missed last month and I am not going to miss tonight too.
So for today, the plan is to stick to myself as much as possible. Do some laundry, flutter by "the sickos" now and then, do some laundry, knit a bit, do some more laundry, check on "the sickos" again, perhaps even dust (but that's a last resort!). I am currently ignoring the fact that my eyes are itchy and my left ear is a little sore. My tummy hurts a touch, but that's just because I haven't eaten any breakfast yet. (Phew...I think I'll be just fine). I have three HUGE chicken breasts in the fridge leftover from supper the other night. So I just threw those in my stockpot on the stove. Mama's makin' good ol' homemade chicken noodle soup for lunch today. Oh yeah...I'z got skillz! Uh-huh!

Well, he's finished! Finally. Note to self...never use fun fur yarn to make another anything that needs to be stitched together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A little frustrating to say the least. But he's finished and that makes me very happy. (Off camera: me doing a little happy dance)
I snapped a few pics this morning of Ted with a piggy bank I made while I had the pottery equipment at my itching fingertips.

Sorry about that! Drifted off into daydream-land for a few minutes. Back to reality.
Today my baby girl is home from school. She has a touch of the flu. My hubby is sick with a horrible cold. Ergo...I have locked myself into my cozy little home office/craft room/disaster area to fend off impending doom. Need I remind my faithful readers that tonight is my first Spinner's Guild meeting? Uh...yeah! Therefore, I don't need no stinkin' flu/cold bugs hovering around me just waiting to attack. Tomorrow, I can be sicker than a dog, but not today. Oh no, not today. Nothin' is gonna keep me from that meeting tonight. I missed last month and I am not going to miss tonight too.
So for today, the plan is to stick to myself as much as possible. Do some laundry, flutter by "the sickos" now and then, do some laundry, knit a bit, do some more laundry, check on "the sickos" again, perhaps even dust (but that's a last resort!). I am currently ignoring the fact that my eyes are itchy and my left ear is a little sore. My tummy hurts a touch, but that's just because I haven't eaten any breakfast yet. (Phew...I think I'll be just fine). I have three HUGE chicken breasts in the fridge leftover from supper the other night. So I just threw those in my stockpot on the stove. Mama's makin' good ol' homemade chicken noodle soup for lunch today. Oh yeah...I'z got skillz! Uh-huh!
Well, I'd better get going on that laundry. Did I mention I have laundry to do? I came to the conclusion that my family has WAYYYYYY too many clothes. If you can get by for a couple of weeks without fresh laundry, but you always have fresh clothes to wear??? You've got too many clothes. Which equals loads of laundry for mama. And, let's be honest, mama hates chores. I'm not the Suzy Homemaker I grew up dreaming I would be. I've realized I'm far to selfish. Terrible, I know. But you'll need to get past that.
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