We got some snow last night. I just had to take some pictures...
After having such a cold snap, it finally warmed up enough to bring us a bit of snow last night. The sun is out today -- it is beautiful!
This morning I attempted a bit more spinning on my new spindle. Some days I think I'm figuring it out, other days (like today)...not too successful. I think I am trying to use too much fibre. The twisted yarn is still quite thick. I'm having a bit of trouble twisting the spindle and controlling the drafted fibres. It keeps spinning up into the fibre supply. Then I have to stop, unravel a bit and start again. All part of learning I suppose. There is a spinning class on March 3rd so I am looking forward to attending and trying to get a bit more of a grasp on

Today I am working on a shawl for my mom. I have torn out my knitting on it several times now. It's not that it's a difficult pattern, I just wasn't really focusing on the pattern. Last night I discovered a GAPING hole...no idea what I did. So I tore it all out and started again from scratch. It's a ribbon shawl and I've never worked with this material before so it was a challenge to see where I might have dropped a stitch or two. It was easier to just tear it all out and start again. I had about 4 inches in length completed. Oh well, I'm loving the challenge...and when the pattern is knitted up the ribbon is so soft and squishy. I think it will look beautiful on my mom! I'll take pics in the next couple of days once I've got the pattern going again.

Everyone is starting to feel better around here so the threat of "cooties" is disappearing. Today is Thursday -- which means a great line-up for TV. Results for American Idol, CSI, Survivor...and of course, Men in Trees! Eeeeee...great knitting to be had as well as entertainment galore!!! I love Thursdays.
1 comment:
I'm slowly getting to know my spindle again. The trick is to use about a tenth of the fiber you think you should be at any given time. The spindle can support it even if you think it won't. Keep a heavy duty "pinch" just above the spun fiber so that the twist doesn't escape into the fiber you're drafting and move slowly.
Or you can do what I do and call it "art" yarn and tell everyone that is what you meant to do all along.
Feel free to email me if you want any other sage words of advice. I'm actually a fairly good spinner... :)
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