Hi All!
Sorry it's been almost a week since I've last posted, but life is busy around here. The season of Lent is upon us which means extra services, soup suppers, and a lot of schedule shuffling. The adult confirmation class my husband is teaching has moved from the church to our house on Tuesday evenings, so that keeps me on my toes just trying to keep up on the laundry and cleaning the house (my favourite...). Tonight I am signed up to make soup and bring buns for our supper before the Lenten service. So that will keep me busy today.
On the fibre front, things are still hoppin'. I'm still working on my mom's shawl. I had a bit of a falling out with it for a couple of days when it insisted that I tear it out eight times before finally getting it. The pattern calls for knit, yarnover, K2tog (knit 2 stitches together). Pretty simple pattern. But rather than having the number of stitches cast on divisible by three, the pattern called for a cast on of 80 sts. Well, after frogging the shawl eight times, cursing like a sailor the whole time, the shawl and I came to an agreement. I simply adjusted the number of CO sts. Now things are going swimmingly! Perhaps if we get some sun in the next couple of days, I will take some pictures.
On the spinning front...I'm all signed up for the guild and for my class this Saturday. I missed the first class (there are two Saturdays in total), but it simply covered working with the drop spindle which I have slowly been catching on to. I am really enjoying it -- it's quite relaxing. This Saturday they will be reviewing the drop spindle, washing the fleece, and preparing it for spinning (which is good since I missed that...although it would be easy enough to get together with someone and have them show me). And then... duh duh duh duh! ... learning how to spin on the wheel!!!!! That is what I am most excited about. The guild has wheels they rent out ($5.00 a month) plus you can rent handcarders and other equipment for $5.00 per month. Pretty reasonable.
My Lacy Kerchief Scarf is in a bit of a holding pattern right now. I need to finish my mom's shawl and get it off into the mail. Then my next plan is to finally finish my scarf! I started it in December and have been just picking at it lately. But I want to finish it so I can get some use out of it this season.
Well, that's life in a very tight nutshell. Hope you are all doing well.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood

We got some snow last night. I just had to take some pictures...
After having such a cold snap, it finally warmed up enough to bring us a bit of snow last night. The sun is out today -- it is beautiful!
This morning I attempted a bit more spinning on my new spindle. Some days I think I'm figuring it out, other days (like today)...not too successful. I think I am trying to use too much fibre. The twisted yarn is still quite thick. I'm having a bit of trouble twisting the spindle and controlling the drafted fibres. It keeps spinning up into the fibre supply. Then I have to stop, unravel a bit and start again. All part of learning I suppose. There is a spinning class on March 3rd so I am looking forward to attending and trying to get a bit more of a grasp on

Today I am working on a shawl for my mom. I have torn out my knitting on it several times now. It's not that it's a difficult pattern, I just wasn't really focusing on the pattern. Last night I discovered a GAPING hole...no idea what I did. So I tore it all out and started again from scratch. It's a ribbon shawl and I've never worked with this material before so it was a challenge to see where I might have dropped a stitch or two. It was easier to just tear it all out and start again. I had about 4 inches in length completed. Oh well, I'm loving the challenge...and when the pattern is knitted up the ribbon is so soft and squishy. I think it will look beautiful on my mom! I'll take pics in the next couple of days once I've got the pattern going again.

Everyone is starting to feel better around here so the threat of "cooties" is disappearing. Today is Thursday -- which means a great line-up for TV. Results for American Idol, CSI, Survivor...and of course, Men in Trees! Eeeeee...great knitting to be had as well as entertainment galore!!! I love Thursdays.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Quirky...Who Me?
'Ello 'ello 'ello!
Well I read a challenge of sorts on Sheepish Annie's blog the other day and I thought I would try to come up with 10 quirky things about myself. I'm not going to tag anyone else, but if you want to do this yourself, let me know so I can check out your quirkiness compared to my own...'cause I'm all about the quirk baby!
Quirky Thing #1: I am terrified of balloons. Not blimps or weather balloons or the Remax variety. Not the pretty birthday balloons floating high on delicate pieces of ribbon. No I'm talkin' about when someone shoves a balloon right in your face and it makes that squeeky noise...you know the one. The one that says, "I'm gonna pop right in your face and there's nothing you can do about it." I think it's perhaps the squeeky part that really freaks me out. It gets me all ... nervous.
Quirky Thing #2: Robots freak me out. I've been saying it for years, "If we're not careful, these robots being invented are going to overtake the human population and rule the world." And then the movie I, Robot came out starring Will Smith. Need I say more...they're smart, people. Perhaps a little too smart. Keep watch.
Quirky Thing #3: I hate to hear people making chewing noises. It grosses me out completely. In fact I have had to leave the room on several occasions when people have unknowingly been making chewing noises. It especially grosses me out when I can hear people eating potato chips...the crunching (*shudder*). If we are having dinner or something, I always need to have noise going on in the background (TV, stereo, sparkling conversation...restaurant noise is the best!)
Quirky Thing #4: Everything I do, whether it's cleaning, brushing my teeth, BBQing...whatever...I HAVE to do those things in a particular order. I have tried to change things up, but it just feels wrong. It's as though the whole balance of the universe gets disrupted. Then my whole day feels out of whack -- it's best not to mess with order.
Quirky Thing #5: I love to make lists (see #4). But they cannot be written on a Blackberry (I don't even know what those are or if you can even make lists on them...) or even a typed list on the computer. These lists MUST be handwritten. That way I can physically cross items off. Gives me a sense of accomplishment. Plus, nothing feels better than the act of physical writing.
Quirky Thing #6: I love funky pens (see #5) for making my lists or just for writing in general. I like my handwriting...it's pretty. Ergo, I must have a funky pen for the whole writing experience to feel complete. Not just any old Bic ballpoint pen, either. Something smoothy and silky, where the ink flows freely without the pen nib catching or dragging on the paper.
Quirky Thing #7: I am a touchy-feely sort of person. If there is fibre, I will touch it. If it's a loverly piece of pottery, I will pick it up to feel the shape and the feel of the glaze, etc. If it is a person, I will often touch their hand or arm if I'm laughing with them. I love to give and receive hugs. I love snuggles from babies, my daughter or hubby, or pets. If something is squishy, I will squish it. If something is mushy, I will mush it through my fingers. You get the point.... however, points are sharp (me no likely sharp things...ouch!)
Quirky Thing #8: I snort when I laugh. Yep, I'll let out a good ol' snort if you really get me laughing hard enough.
Quirkly Thing #9: I blog. I am the type of person who wears her heart on her sleeve. So the person you converse with (or if you read my blog) that's me in a nutshell. There's no hiding who I am. If you don't like me, I'm sorry. And I am quirky enough to bear myself on a blog for everyone to know me.
Quirkly Thing #10: When I am nervous or tired, my right eye leaks from the outside corner. So I am usually dabbing at it with my sleeve or a tissue.
Well, that's me. I hope to hear all about your quirkiness...let me know.
Well I read a challenge of sorts on Sheepish Annie's blog the other day and I thought I would try to come up with 10 quirky things about myself. I'm not going to tag anyone else, but if you want to do this yourself, let me know so I can check out your quirkiness compared to my own...'cause I'm all about the quirk baby!
Quirky Thing #1: I am terrified of balloons. Not blimps or weather balloons or the Remax variety. Not the pretty birthday balloons floating high on delicate pieces of ribbon. No I'm talkin' about when someone shoves a balloon right in your face and it makes that squeeky noise...you know the one. The one that says, "I'm gonna pop right in your face and there's nothing you can do about it." I think it's perhaps the squeeky part that really freaks me out. It gets me all ... nervous.
Quirky Thing #2: Robots freak me out. I've been saying it for years, "If we're not careful, these robots being invented are going to overtake the human population and rule the world." And then the movie I, Robot came out starring Will Smith. Need I say more...they're smart, people. Perhaps a little too smart. Keep watch.
Quirky Thing #3: I hate to hear people making chewing noises. It grosses me out completely. In fact I have had to leave the room on several occasions when people have unknowingly been making chewing noises. It especially grosses me out when I can hear people eating potato chips...the crunching (*shudder*). If we are having dinner or something, I always need to have noise going on in the background (TV, stereo, sparkling conversation...restaurant noise is the best!)
Quirky Thing #4: Everything I do, whether it's cleaning, brushing my teeth, BBQing...whatever...I HAVE to do those things in a particular order. I have tried to change things up, but it just feels wrong. It's as though the whole balance of the universe gets disrupted. Then my whole day feels out of whack -- it's best not to mess with order.
Quirky Thing #5: I love to make lists (see #4). But they cannot be written on a Blackberry (I don't even know what those are or if you can even make lists on them...) or even a typed list on the computer. These lists MUST be handwritten. That way I can physically cross items off. Gives me a sense of accomplishment. Plus, nothing feels better than the act of physical writing.
Quirky Thing #6: I love funky pens (see #5) for making my lists or just for writing in general. I like my handwriting...it's pretty. Ergo, I must have a funky pen for the whole writing experience to feel complete. Not just any old Bic ballpoint pen, either. Something smoothy and silky, where the ink flows freely without the pen nib catching or dragging on the paper.
Quirky Thing #7: I am a touchy-feely sort of person. If there is fibre, I will touch it. If it's a loverly piece of pottery, I will pick it up to feel the shape and the feel of the glaze, etc. If it is a person, I will often touch their hand or arm if I'm laughing with them. I love to give and receive hugs. I love snuggles from babies, my daughter or hubby, or pets. If something is squishy, I will squish it. If something is mushy, I will mush it through my fingers. You get the point.... however, points are sharp (me no likely sharp things...ouch!)
Quirky Thing #8: I snort when I laugh. Yep, I'll let out a good ol' snort if you really get me laughing hard enough.
Quirkly Thing #9: I blog. I am the type of person who wears her heart on her sleeve. So the person you converse with (or if you read my blog) that's me in a nutshell. There's no hiding who I am. If you don't like me, I'm sorry. And I am quirky enough to bear myself on a blog for everyone to know me.
Quirkly Thing #10: When I am nervous or tired, my right eye leaks from the outside corner. So I am usually dabbing at it with my sleeve or a tissue.
Well, that's me. I hope to hear all about your quirkiness...let me know.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
A Strange Turn of Events
Hi My Beautifuls...
Well, last night proved to be an interesting evening. My husband had a meeting across town from where the Spinner's Guild was meeting, so he dropped me daughter and I off at Subway for supper. From there we walked 5 mins to a local mall and wandered about for about 20 mins. Then the 5 min trek up the hill to Jumbo Gardens...the place where all my spinning dreams would come true (pardon the melodramatics...). Well, we got to the building and tried the door...hmmm, locked. We walked around to the east side of the building. Hmmm, locked. We then tried the west door...you guessed it, locked. There were lights on in the building and so I buzzed the intercom. The custodian met us at the south doors where, I'm sad to say, he informed us that there was no Spinners' Guild that met there at all. Here's a blow-by-blow account of what followed:
"What do you mean there's no Spinners' Guild. I was told they meet here at Jumbo Gardens," I informed him.
"Well, ma'am, this is just a daycare facility. There are no meetings here at all," he politely responded.
By now, I am a bit hysterical (by the way, I just looked up the definition on dictionary.com to give a full description of me at this point...#3 says it all: irrational from fear, emotion, or an emotional shock). It was as though my brain was refusing to process the information just given to me.
"But that's impossible," I said, trying desperately to hide the high-pitched squeals which were now my voice. I began to realize by this point that my daughter and I would be waiting outside for at least an hour while waiting for my husband to pick me up.
"Is it possible there is another Jumbo Gardens," I asked, no longer trying to hide the hysterical pitch of my voice.
"Yes," the custodian responded. "Up about 4 blocks and then at the end of that road (which is equal to about 2-3 city blocks)."
"Thanks," I responded. I knew I couldn't be mad at him because it was really not his fault. But I really felt like flying toward him and scratching his eyes out. But that would have been wrong. Especially in front of my 7 yr old daughter...
Well, I needed to make a quick decision. We would continue to hike it! So up the hill we went (by this time I'm muttering to myself while at the same time, trying to reassure my daughter everything was fine).
"Let's find the positive," I told my daughter as we huffed and puffed up the hill. (By the way, I am so totally the opposite of positive...I'm not even close to seeing the glass as half full some days). So we figured that we had a most excellent sandwich at Subway, we got to "hang out at the mall", and we were having a terrific walk.
Well, I figured when we got there, I would just have time to pay my membership for the Guild, sign up for the class they're offering, and then we would have to leave to hike back down the hill and wait at the original building for my hubby to pick us up (because he would have no idea where we were).
We walked almost to the end of that main road the rec centre was supposed to be on, but I didn't see anything. Okay, now I'm really having to go pee. What to do, what to do. Ahhhh... friends from church live on the next street over. So we hiked to their place, where I was able to use the washroom, call my husband (no, we don't have cell phones...I know...gasp all you like...I really can't stand them and hope I never need to purchase one...although I thought last night would have been the perfect opportunity to have them), and we were thankfully able to wait for him to pick us up in a nice warm house with great company.
To say I was disappointed last night is an understatement.
But every cloud has it's silver lining...or in this case...a fleece lining....
Today, my favourite yarn shop has a knitting group from 1-4pm. I went with the hopes that the one lady from the Spinners' Guild would be there. She wasn't. But another lady was. I mentioned that I had really tried to get to the meeting last night, but was unable to make it.
"It wasn't last night," she politely informed me. "It's this coming Monday. We meet on the fourth Mondays."
Apparently I was given the wrong information...
But......... happy happy joy joy. I didn't miss it! So I got the correct information from her and everything is hunky-dorky.
Well, I'd better go. American Idol is starting. Not sure if I'll make it through...I'm pretty beat tonight. Talk to you tomorrow...
Well, last night proved to be an interesting evening. My husband had a meeting across town from where the Spinner's Guild was meeting, so he dropped me daughter and I off at Subway for supper. From there we walked 5 mins to a local mall and wandered about for about 20 mins. Then the 5 min trek up the hill to Jumbo Gardens...the place where all my spinning dreams would come true (pardon the melodramatics...). Well, we got to the building and tried the door...hmmm, locked. We walked around to the east side of the building. Hmmm, locked. We then tried the west door...you guessed it, locked. There were lights on in the building and so I buzzed the intercom. The custodian met us at the south doors where, I'm sad to say, he informed us that there was no Spinners' Guild that met there at all. Here's a blow-by-blow account of what followed:
"What do you mean there's no Spinners' Guild. I was told they meet here at Jumbo Gardens," I informed him.
"Well, ma'am, this is just a daycare facility. There are no meetings here at all," he politely responded.
By now, I am a bit hysterical (by the way, I just looked up the definition on dictionary.com to give a full description of me at this point...#3 says it all: irrational from fear, emotion, or an emotional shock). It was as though my brain was refusing to process the information just given to me.
"But that's impossible," I said, trying desperately to hide the high-pitched squeals which were now my voice. I began to realize by this point that my daughter and I would be waiting outside for at least an hour while waiting for my husband to pick me up.
"Is it possible there is another Jumbo Gardens," I asked, no longer trying to hide the hysterical pitch of my voice.
"Yes," the custodian responded. "Up about 4 blocks and then at the end of that road (which is equal to about 2-3 city blocks)."
"Thanks," I responded. I knew I couldn't be mad at him because it was really not his fault. But I really felt like flying toward him and scratching his eyes out. But that would have been wrong. Especially in front of my 7 yr old daughter...
Well, I needed to make a quick decision. We would continue to hike it! So up the hill we went (by this time I'm muttering to myself while at the same time, trying to reassure my daughter everything was fine).
"Let's find the positive," I told my daughter as we huffed and puffed up the hill. (By the way, I am so totally the opposite of positive...I'm not even close to seeing the glass as half full some days). So we figured that we had a most excellent sandwich at Subway, we got to "hang out at the mall", and we were having a terrific walk.
Well, I figured when we got there, I would just have time to pay my membership for the Guild, sign up for the class they're offering, and then we would have to leave to hike back down the hill and wait at the original building for my hubby to pick us up (because he would have no idea where we were).
We walked almost to the end of that main road the rec centre was supposed to be on, but I didn't see anything. Okay, now I'm really having to go pee. What to do, what to do. Ahhhh... friends from church live on the next street over. So we hiked to their place, where I was able to use the washroom, call my husband (no, we don't have cell phones...I know...gasp all you like...I really can't stand them and hope I never need to purchase one...although I thought last night would have been the perfect opportunity to have them), and we were thankfully able to wait for him to pick us up in a nice warm house with great company.
To say I was disappointed last night is an understatement.
But every cloud has it's silver lining...or in this case...a fleece lining....
Today, my favourite yarn shop has a knitting group from 1-4pm. I went with the hopes that the one lady from the Spinners' Guild would be there. She wasn't. But another lady was. I mentioned that I had really tried to get to the meeting last night, but was unable to make it.
"It wasn't last night," she politely informed me. "It's this coming Monday. We meet on the fourth Mondays."
Apparently I was given the wrong information...
But......... happy happy joy joy. I didn't miss it! So I got the correct information from her and everything is hunky-dorky.
Well, I'd better go. American Idol is starting. Not sure if I'll make it through...I'm pretty beat tonight. Talk to you tomorrow...
Monday, February 19, 2007
Hi, my name is Teddy. But you can call me Ted for short.
You are all my royal subjects. I would like you to be my friends. I just wanna know, "How ya doin' peeps?" Tell me, what's your favourite thing to do? I hope it's to like teddies and knitting!
Did you have any birthdays yet? They're my favourite! This is Ted, signing off! Mwah...kisses! and hugs! xoxoxo ...(story told by my daughter for your viewing pleasure)
Well, he's finished! Finally. Note to self...never use fun fur yarn to make another anything that needs to be stitched together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A little frustrating to say the least. But he's finished and that makes me very happy. (Off camera: me doing a little happy dance)
I snapped a few pics this morning of Ted with a piggy bank I made while I had the pottery equipment at my itching fingertips.
Oh, if only I had a gazzilion dollars!!! I would be slinging mud all day...and knitting at night. Oh...if only... ... ... ... ...
Sorry about that! Drifted off into daydream-land for a few minutes. Back to reality.
Today my baby girl is home from school. She has a touch of the flu. My hubby is sick with a horrible cold. Ergo...I have locked myself into my cozy little home office/craft room/disaster area to fend off impending doom. Need I remind my faithful readers that tonight is my first Spinner's Guild meeting? Uh...yeah! Therefore, I don't need no stinkin' flu/cold bugs hovering around me just waiting to attack. Tomorrow, I can be sicker than a dog, but not today. Oh no, not today. Nothin' is gonna keep me from that meeting tonight. I missed last month and I am not going to miss tonight too.
So for today, the plan is to stick to myself as much as possible. Do some laundry, flutter by "the sickos" now and then, do some laundry, knit a bit, do some more laundry, check on "the sickos" again, perhaps even dust (but that's a last resort!). I am currently ignoring the fact that my eyes are itchy and my left ear is a little sore. My tummy hurts a touch, but that's just because I haven't eaten any breakfast yet. (Phew...I think I'll be just fine). I have three HUGE chicken breasts in the fridge leftover from supper the other night. So I just threw those in my stockpot on the stove. Mama's makin' good ol' homemade chicken noodle soup for lunch today. Oh yeah...I'z got skillz! Uh-huh!

Well, he's finished! Finally. Note to self...never use fun fur yarn to make another anything that needs to be stitched together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A little frustrating to say the least. But he's finished and that makes me very happy. (Off camera: me doing a little happy dance)
I snapped a few pics this morning of Ted with a piggy bank I made while I had the pottery equipment at my itching fingertips.

Sorry about that! Drifted off into daydream-land for a few minutes. Back to reality.
Today my baby girl is home from school. She has a touch of the flu. My hubby is sick with a horrible cold. Ergo...I have locked myself into my cozy little home office/craft room/disaster area to fend off impending doom. Need I remind my faithful readers that tonight is my first Spinner's Guild meeting? Uh...yeah! Therefore, I don't need no stinkin' flu/cold bugs hovering around me just waiting to attack. Tomorrow, I can be sicker than a dog, but not today. Oh no, not today. Nothin' is gonna keep me from that meeting tonight. I missed last month and I am not going to miss tonight too.
So for today, the plan is to stick to myself as much as possible. Do some laundry, flutter by "the sickos" now and then, do some laundry, knit a bit, do some more laundry, check on "the sickos" again, perhaps even dust (but that's a last resort!). I am currently ignoring the fact that my eyes are itchy and my left ear is a little sore. My tummy hurts a touch, but that's just because I haven't eaten any breakfast yet. (Phew...I think I'll be just fine). I have three HUGE chicken breasts in the fridge leftover from supper the other night. So I just threw those in my stockpot on the stove. Mama's makin' good ol' homemade chicken noodle soup for lunch today. Oh yeah...I'z got skillz! Uh-huh!
Well, I'd better get going on that laundry. Did I mention I have laundry to do? I came to the conclusion that my family has WAYYYYYY too many clothes. If you can get by for a couple of weeks without fresh laundry, but you always have fresh clothes to wear??? You've got too many clothes. Which equals loads of laundry for mama. And, let's be honest, mama hates chores. I'm not the Suzy Homemaker I grew up dreaming I would be. I've realized I'm far to selfish. Terrible, I know. But you'll need to get past that.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Eeeeeeeeeeeeee -- I'm So Excited...Can ya tell?
I am so excited I think I'm going to pee my pants... Phew! I'm glad that urge passed...
For many years, I have been fascinated with the art of spinning. I remember in 1998 in Castlegar, British Columbia I had the opportunity to watch a woman spinning. I think at that moment I was hooked. It looked so relaxing and it amazed me that from a bit of wool she was able to spin this beautiful, workable yarn. That aspect of the arts intrigues me. For awhile I had the opportunity to teach pottery (perhaps I'll post some pics of some of my pieces sometime) and it was the same thing. You have this lump of clay in your hand and with a bit of manipulation you can throw some amazing pieces of art or things to use in your house everyday.
Well, after enviously looking at other people's blogs who knit and spin, I'm gonna do it! We have a Spinnners and Weavers Guild in town and they meet this Monday. Good friends of ours gave me money for my birthday to pay for a membership...the excitement is unbearable! I can't wait for tomorrow night.
Also, my parents gave me a gift certificate for my b'day for my favourite yarn shop in town, Threads in Time. So I was finally able to go yesterday with my daughter. Get this...my daughter said to me, "Mommy I love coming here because you can touch everything. Everything feels so nice." EEEEEEEEEE...A fibre addict is born!
Anywho...I used my gift certificate to purchase a few things for spinning. I couldn't wait until Monday (they probably don't spin at the meetings anyways...duh!). I've wanted to try working with a drop spindle so I picked out a simple instruction booklet which covers the basics of using the drop spindle, cleaning the fleece, etc. I also got some rolags which have been carded and are ready to spin. I bought a classic drop spindle, and a niddy noddy. I also bought three small pouches of dye to try down the road.

Well, last night I couldn't bear it anymore.
I tore open the bag of rolags, tore some off, and with book-in-hand, I made my first attempts at spinning. A bit pathetic and sad looking to say the least...but hey, it's spinning!!!!!
I took some pics to show you my poor attempts...but hey, when I first tried pottery, there were no award winning pieces being thrown that night! I had to take some pictures this morning so that some day I can look back and say, "Hey, I've come a long way!"

Well, I'd better go get ready for church. My daughter reminded me last night that I play organ this morning...yipes! I got so wrapped up in my spinning excitement (pardon the pun), that I completely forgot that I play this morning. Ooops! I'd better get showered up and quickly run through the hymns I need to play.
Tah tah my loverlies!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Good Morning Starshine, The Earth Says Hello...
Does anyone remember that song by the musical group Hair? Good Morning Starshine, The Earth Says Hello. Well, it has become my cheesy musical number for this morning's blog. The one beautiful thing about having the temperature gauge reading about minus a gazzilion is that the sun is always shining.
Today after dropping my daughter off at school, I noticed the thermometer outside read -35 C (which is pretty much the same temp in F). But the sun was coming up and it was loverly. I just had to snap some pictures while the song was playing in my head.
For fun, I've looked up the full set of lyrics for Good Morning Starshine. In fact as I snapped a few photos, I found myself singing, "Good Morning Starshine, the earth says hello...HELLO! It's frickin' freezing out here! Woo Hoo Global Warming!"
Please enjoy my Good Morning Starshine photoblog...
Good morning starshine, the earth says hello
you twinkle above us,
we twinkle below
good morning starshine,
you lead us along
my love and me
as we sing our early morning singing song
gliddy glub gloopy
nibby nabby noopy
la la la - lo lo
sabba sibbi sabba
nooby aba naba
lee lee - lo lo
tooby ooby wala
nooby aba naba
early morning singing song
Good morning . . .gliddy glub gloopy . . .
Singing a song,
humming a song
singing a song
loving a song,
laughing a song
singing a song
sing the song
song the sing
song song song
sing sing sing sing
song song song song
sing sing sing sing song
Today after dropping my daughter off at school, I noticed the thermometer outside read -35 C (which is pretty much the same temp in F). But the sun was coming up and it was loverly. I just had to snap some pictures while the song was playing in my head.
For fun, I've looked up the full set of lyrics for Good Morning Starshine. In fact as I snapped a few photos, I found myself singing, "Good Morning Starshine, the earth says hello...HELLO! It's frickin' freezing out here! Woo Hoo Global Warming!"
Please enjoy my Good Morning Starshine photoblog...
Good Morning Starshine...
The Earth Says Hello...
You Twinkle Above Us...
We Twinkle Below...
(Editorial Note: These guys were obviously high when they wrote this one...)Good morning starshine, the earth says hello
you twinkle above us,
we twinkle below
good morning starshine,
you lead us along
my love and me
as we sing our early morning singing song
gliddy glub gloopy
nibby nabby noopy
la la la - lo lo
sabba sibbi sabba
nooby aba naba
lee lee - lo lo
tooby ooby wala
nooby aba naba
early morning singing song
Good morning . . .gliddy glub gloopy . . .
Singing a song,
humming a song
singing a song
loving a song,
laughing a song
singing a song
sing the song
song the sing
song song song
sing sing sing sing
song song song song
sing sing sing sing song
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Ongoing Mystery Project
Well, I was hoping to give you "teaser" photos of the mystery item I've been working on as I made bits of progress. But today I knit with guns a blazin'! I am getting close to finishing...
I've had a few people e-mail me with their ideas. Some suggested perhaps it was a fun fur halter top/dress. Okay, nice try peoples, but really...let's think about this. Me? In a fun fur halter top? It's a little caveman era for me...not so flattering, and may possibly draw too much unnecessary attention to "the girls".

Another idea was a clutch/handbag. Again...good try, but nope. I've been carrying the same green Mountain Equipment Co-op bag for the last...hmmm...10 years or so. (Okay, yes, maybe I am a fashion victim. What are you going to do about it? Call a fashion makeover show? Go ahead...I could use all the help I need!!!)

Well, while mom and dad were visiting my baby girl saw a knitted teddy bear in the yarn shop. The yarn was on for a good price, so...
I give you Madeline's almost completed,

new Best Friend Bear.

It's a pretty cool pattern. I found it in the Holiday 2006 Interweave Knits magazine. It knits up pretty quickly and has been a fun project.
As I finish, I'll post more pics (especially after it is stuffed with face done). The pattern actually called for a different yarn, but Madeline wanted a fuzzy stuffy. It will be beautiful I think.
Tomorrow we have our Annual Voters' Meeting at church. Ergo, I've got to bring along some knitting (possibly my Lacy Kerchief Scarf) to keep me busy. Sometimes the meetings can get a bit "spicy" so it helps to have some knitting along to distract me.
Have a great night and we'll see you again real soon.
Well, I was hoping to give you "teaser" photos of the mystery item I've been working on as I made bits of progress. But today I knit with guns a blazin'! I am getting close to finishing...
I've had a few people e-mail me with their ideas. Some suggested perhaps it was a fun fur halter top/dress. Okay, nice try peoples, but really...let's think about this. Me? In a fun fur halter top? It's a little caveman era for me...not so flattering, and may possibly draw too much unnecessary attention to "the girls".

Another idea was a clutch/handbag. Again...good try, but nope. I've been carrying the same green Mountain Equipment Co-op bag for the last...hmmm...10 years or so. (Okay, yes, maybe I am a fashion victim. What are you going to do about it? Call a fashion makeover show? Go ahead...I could use all the help I need!!!)

Well, while mom and dad were visiting my baby girl saw a knitted teddy bear in the yarn shop. The yarn was on for a good price, so...
I give you Madeline's almost completed,

new Best Friend Bear.

It's a pretty cool pattern. I found it in the Holiday 2006 Interweave Knits magazine. It knits up pretty quickly and has been a fun project.
As I finish, I'll post more pics (especially after it is stuffed with face done). The pattern actually called for a different yarn, but Madeline wanted a fuzzy stuffy. It will be beautiful I think.
Tomorrow we have our Annual Voters' Meeting at church. Ergo, I've got to bring along some knitting (possibly my Lacy Kerchief Scarf) to keep me busy. Sometimes the meetings can get a bit "spicy" so it helps to have some knitting along to distract me.
Have a great night and we'll see you again real soon.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
So Many Projects...
Hey beautiful peoples!
I've been busy knitting. I finished my clogs and a pair for my mom (we both celebrated our birthdays last week...so it was my b'day gifts to us)...so now I'm on to a new project.
Any ideas what it is???
Stay tuned. Take some guesses and I'll continue to update with play-by-play pictures until the mystery is solved...

Thursday, February 01, 2007
I'm All About The Knitting, Baby!
Okay, so for those who haven't figured it out yet, I am developing a crazy obsessive knitting addiction. I can't just sit anymore without sticks and wool in my hands. I feel "na-kid". So it should not surprise anyone of my most recent knitting accomplishment.
My parents are visiting us until Feb 5th. My mom's birthday was yesterday (Jan 31st) and mine is today (Feb 1st). On Saturday, we "dropped by" the wool shop I have been frequenting as of late. Mom wanted a pair of felted slipper clogs like I made for hubby and my baby girl. So, we picked out some wool (Briggs & Little -- Regal in turquoise) for the knitting extravaganza! I hadn't worked with this particular brand of wool before so my fingers were itchin' before we even left the shop.
I started knitting them late Saturday afternoon and by Monday morning I was ready to begin felting them! I amazed even myself since I consider myself to be a slow knitter!!! Last night I finished my green slippers for felting (I started those just before Christmas). This morning I felted them up and...VIOLA! We have felted slippers:

The Briggs & Little yarn didn't shrink as much as I wanted them to,
but I'm still pretty pleased with them nonetheless. I may have overshrunk the green ones
so my mom and I may need to switch colours...we'll have to see. But for now...sweet!

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