Sorry folks...more gratuitous pictures of my baby girl. She lost another tooth tonight and so we just had to have a photo shoot.
She is a brave and goofy girl!!! I actually felt a bit queasy with the blood loss on this one (normally doesn't bother me too much). But the whole "dental"-phobia thing I have goin' on...not a good combo tonight! Oh well, I survived.

On the knitting front -- busy, busy, busy. I have three different projects on the sticks right now so it is keeping me content. Will post some piccys this week.
Tonight was the finale of The Amazing Race so we had a bit of an appetizer-type supper. Quite enjoyable. The models surprise there. Would have been nice for the two moms to win.
Well, this will be a quick post tonight. I will have more blah, blah, blah tomorrow. Good night, my lovelies!
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