(Please note: The date should read December 30th...not sure what the problem is there!)
Hello Peoples!
I trust everyone is having a loverly Christmas (remember...there's still six days left..."On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me...") so don't pack it all in yet!
Okay, so before Christmas I was reading one of my favorite blogs Sheepish Annie (she is hilarious...you must check her out!). Any-who...Annie was tagged by another blogger and had to post 6 weird things about herself. I figured, "Who's weirder than me?" so I let her know I would like to participate. Ergo, I have been officially tagged. Everyone buckle your seatbelt...here we go...
“THE RULES:Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog post of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.”
Weird Thing #1: I waited in line to purchase the new Nintendo Wii gaming console before Christmas. Not once, not twice, but thrice times! (I'm such a dork!!!) Yes, I even arrived at the store the third day before 5:30 a.m. in hopes that I would be #1 in line. Alas, one even crazier than me arrived about 5 minutes before me. Result: I got the Wii. (Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!)
Weird Thing #2: When I am particularly stressed about things my OCD-ness tends to flare up. When I am really anxious or worried about things, I tend to count everything I do in multiples of 3's or 5's (or multiples of these numbers). I'm not sure why, but I have convinced myself that if I don't, the world as we know it will abruptly come to a screeching halt. So you see, my lovelies, the world in fact does rest on my shoulders...
Weird Thing #3: If I hadn't married my beautiful hubby, I would have married one of three other men. Man #1: George Burns (I love that he loved his beautiful Gracie soooo much!) Man #2: John Travolta (how can you not love someone this cool???) Man #3: Matthew McConaughey (but, he's just too pretty...and a committment-phobe, so I just had to say to him, "Babe, look...it's just not gonna work out. You're just too pretty. It's not you...it's me." I must say he took the break-up pretty bad, but I felt he was a bit out of line taking out that restraining order against me...) Honourable Mention: Captain Jack Sparrow (okay, I know he's fictional...but c'mon...THE Captain Jack Sparrow...a pirate! Yargh! Every girl loves a bad boy...)
Weird Thing #4: I love to watch Coronation Street. It's a British soap opera. I don't get to watch as much lately, but I used to watch it all the time many moons ago.
Weird Thing #5: I secretly would love to live on a homestead. Y'know...raise goats, grow your own cotton....live off the land. However, there is one major problem with me achieving this goal in life. I'm a city girl! I rely too much on modern conveniences. One time my mom was visiting us in British Columbia when my daughter was about 7 months old. Mom was going to make a birthday cake. My response, "Oh, my mixmaster is in storage in Edmonton" (therefore I figured you couldn't make cake). My mom looked at me like I was off my rocker. When she informed me that you could in fact mix it by hand, I was dumbfounded! Do things without modern appliances? That's just madness! Ergo, I don't think I'll be "livin' off the land" any time soon. Besides butchering my own meat...well, that's just icky!
Weird Thing #6: My life is one big movie quote. My husband, my daughter, and I daily incorporate movie quotes into our sparkling conversation. I questioned the weirdness of it all recently and my husband figured it is really no different than when people used to walk around quoting Shakespeare back in his day. That response satisfied me...I'm sticking with it!
Well, that's weird me in a nutshell. Now, according to the rules I have to name six people whom I would like to tag. They are:
Murray, Natalie, Andrew, Candace, Jessie, and Diana
Have a great weekend, peoples!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Back After The Holidays
Hi Everyone!
Well, because this season is so busy (especially for us at church...for those who don't know, my hubby is a Lutheran pastor) I won't be posting again until after the holidays next week. I am finishing up my last two weeks at the church (I'm currently working as the church secretary) and then in the new year I am no longer working. But there is a world of opportunities out there and I just need to figure out which direction I need to be heading. But for a few weeks I'll be enjoying being at home full-time again.
I pray everyone has a safe and beautiful Christmas...I'll be back again next week after the 26th.
Well, because this season is so busy (especially for us at church...for those who don't know, my hubby is a Lutheran pastor) I won't be posting again until after the holidays next week. I am finishing up my last two weeks at the church (I'm currently working as the church secretary) and then in the new year I am no longer working. But there is a world of opportunities out there and I just need to figure out which direction I need to be heading. But for a few weeks I'll be enjoying being at home full-time again.
I pray everyone has a safe and beautiful Christmas...I'll be back again next week after the 26th.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Lacy Kerchief Scarf

So kind of an interesting story. Have you ever waited in line for something? Now, I'm not talkin' about a 15 minute wait in the grocery line or Wally World. I'm talking about waiting for hours for an item which may or may not be given to you. Normally, I like to mock these kinds of people. For example, when people waited in line for hours and hours (or was it days) to get tickets to the latest Star Wars episode, or the latest Harry Potter book, or tickets for the Rolling Stones, or (insert your favorite here). In my opinion, I have always thought these people don't really have much of a life. I mean, it's just a movie (or book, or concert...). If you wait an extra week or two, you can get into that same movie without running the risk of line-ups (unless you're really into hanging out with geeks that like to dress up as their favorite movie character or whatever...get a life Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, right?).
Well, yesterday that all changed for me. I am now one of those to be mocked. I waited in a line-up for almost seven hours for the latest gaming console by Nintendo...The Wii. Okay, so normally, I'm not really a big computer geek, I spend minimal amounts of time playing video games. In fact, I lovingly tease my hubby (who is a computer geek...but a hot one) by asking him questions about his imaginary gaming friends named Korg, Galaxia, or (my personal favorite) Zoltar. But the Wii is different. You play the games physically instead of sitting there like a blob. I like the idea of playing games that get up up from the couch and physically moving your body. So, I gave in. I stood in line for almost seven hours. (Actually I did sit for part of the time...my dear hubby ran out and brought back some lawn chairs...I'm so pathetic!).
When they opened the store, they only had 3 games in stock (we were 5th in line), but they were expecting another 3 to 7 games to be delivered by courier later that day. The truck could come in 10 minutes or 10 hours...it was up to us to wait or not. We decided to stick it out. There was one lady in front of us, so we figured, "Hey, we're guaranteed to get one, baby!" So we entered the store and decided to wait. There were some people who decided to leave, but seven of us were committed! I had now become one of the people I normally mock. We were each given a card and our names were recorded as to the order we were in the line-up (we were #2 on the list). Now it was just a waiting game. After about an hour, the courier truck pulled up and the air was electric! I even offered to help him carry in the boxes. Box after box came in through the door, some big, some small. We all held our breath with excitement. After all, we really didn't have to wait too long.
Then the murmurs began. "It's not here," someone whispered. "It's not in this shipment." I began to panic a bit. "What do you mean it's not in this shipment...they said it would be." The fellow behind the counter assured us that there would be another delivery later that day. My racing heart stood still as I looked toward my husband. "What do we do?" I asked. Well, we made a joint decision that we would stay until noon, no later because we both had things to do. Noon got closer and closer, and the woman whose name was before us made the decision to leave. Woo hoo! We're number one, we're number one.
A short time later, the courier returned. This time though, he only had one skinny little package...certainly too tiny to hold a Wii console (let alone 3 to 7 of them). "You're joking right?" I asked him. Nope, he guaranteed this was all he had for that moment. My husband by this point was certain that they wouldn't show up at all for the day. I keep trying to see the glass as half-full. By this time, I was committed to staying until 10 p.m. if I had to (I had lost all capacity to make wise decisions at this point and had become completely irrational). Well, we decided to stay and after awhile my hubby went to pick our daughter up from school. The "Wii Support Group" gathered in a small area of the store by this point and we started talking about "what if the truck doesn't come back today...would we come back on Monday". I said to the group that "this is it. If it doesn't come today, my husband and I would just wait until after Christmas because they'll have tons then." A few others agreed. At almost 3 o'clock the woman working at the store told us the truck wouldn't be coming in that day after all -- she wasn't sure why. But she let us know that the next courier truck would be arriving on Monday morning if we wanted to try again.
Well, you never saw such a pathetic looking group of people (most of us remaining were moms and two grandmas). Christmas dreams would be dashed for some, but I reminded myself, it was just a game, not to worry. In fact it had turned out to be a rather interesting day -- I met new people, I was no longer a virgin to waiting in line for something that I could just wait a few weeks longer for. It was a neat experience overall.
But today my husband said that getting the game console is like a bit of a game in itself. It is really a game of chance, but if I were to go back Monday morning, there would be a good chance I could get one. It's just a game, it's just a game. It is a game and now I want to win!!!!! I keep telling myself to chill, but there is a demon-geek rising within determined to get one of those most cherished Wii consoles. I am officially a big loser like Korg or Galaxia. But for now you can call me...Zelda!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Sorry I haven't written a whole lot lately. I've been kind of out of it since I had the flu a few weeks ago. Plus with Christmas approaching way too quickly, it has left my head spinning. I actually haven't spent a lot of time on the computer. But I've missed posting and reading comments and other people's blogs.
This year I am not really into the whole "Christmas Spirit". I'm not sure what it is this year, but it doesn't feel like Christmas should be here in less than two weeks. I haven't written one Christmas card this year, gifts that should have been shipped at least a week ago haven't even been purchased yet, I certainly haven't felt very "cheery", in fact I've been in a rather deep slump. I found myself the other night wandering around the mall watching people scurry about gathering gifts and cards and wrapping paper. I remember thinking to myself, "Why do we do this to ourselves???" I mean, why do we stress ourselves out trying to find the "perfect gift" for someone we barely speak to (and why do we feel guilty when we don't buy them a thing)?
Perhaps I am a little "Bah, humbug" because other than my hubby and daughter, we really have no family here and I suppose that is what I am missing the most. We have a few friends here, but this year it's like a huge void is overwhelming me. Perhaps I am feeling a bit sorry for myself or is it that I am so sick and tired of Christmas becoming so commercialized that it is literally making me feel sick to my stomach. I mean, this year the stores were playing Christmas carols the day after Halloween. It's just wrong. We've totally lost the whole point. We've become so concerned with mailing things out by a particular deadline that we've forgotten the whole reason why we celebrate the season to begin with.
Now I know there are a few of you out there who do read my blog who are not Christian. And the point of my blog is not to be religious in nature, but I really must say this because I am hoping by getting it out, it will help me to climb out of this funk and really remember why I am looking forward to the season of Christmas. So please bear with me as I just need to get this out. The world looks for peace which seems to be missing from our daily life and stresses. But that "peace" is still right where He's always been. He's never left us, we've left Him. We have been so busy worrying about ourselves and buying that perfect gift that we have forgotten that Christ is the perfect gift. We really don't need anything more. People have been asking me what I want for Christmas this year and I have really been at a loss for words. I look around my home and I honestly don't need anything. Everything I need is right here surrounding me. But yet I feel as though something is missing. I suppose that something is Christ. I've pushed Him so far away that, like the world, I have been looking for something else.
Well, now that leaves me in something of a quandry. Where do I go now? Back to the manger. Back where I should have been the whole time. Thanks for being patient with this post. I promise I will return to my regular stuff tomorrow...I just really needed to get this out.
This year I am not really into the whole "Christmas Spirit". I'm not sure what it is this year, but it doesn't feel like Christmas should be here in less than two weeks. I haven't written one Christmas card this year, gifts that should have been shipped at least a week ago haven't even been purchased yet, I certainly haven't felt very "cheery", in fact I've been in a rather deep slump. I found myself the other night wandering around the mall watching people scurry about gathering gifts and cards and wrapping paper. I remember thinking to myself, "Why do we do this to ourselves???" I mean, why do we stress ourselves out trying to find the "perfect gift" for someone we barely speak to (and why do we feel guilty when we don't buy them a thing)?
Perhaps I am a little "Bah, humbug" because other than my hubby and daughter, we really have no family here and I suppose that is what I am missing the most. We have a few friends here, but this year it's like a huge void is overwhelming me. Perhaps I am feeling a bit sorry for myself or is it that I am so sick and tired of Christmas becoming so commercialized that it is literally making me feel sick to my stomach. I mean, this year the stores were playing Christmas carols the day after Halloween. It's just wrong. We've totally lost the whole point. We've become so concerned with mailing things out by a particular deadline that we've forgotten the whole reason why we celebrate the season to begin with.
Now I know there are a few of you out there who do read my blog who are not Christian. And the point of my blog is not to be religious in nature, but I really must say this because I am hoping by getting it out, it will help me to climb out of this funk and really remember why I am looking forward to the season of Christmas. So please bear with me as I just need to get this out. The world looks for peace which seems to be missing from our daily life and stresses. But that "peace" is still right where He's always been. He's never left us, we've left Him. We have been so busy worrying about ourselves and buying that perfect gift that we have forgotten that Christ is the perfect gift. We really don't need anything more. People have been asking me what I want for Christmas this year and I have really been at a loss for words. I look around my home and I honestly don't need anything. Everything I need is right here surrounding me. But yet I feel as though something is missing. I suppose that something is Christ. I've pushed Him so far away that, like the world, I have been looking for something else.
Well, now that leaves me in something of a quandry. Where do I go now? Back to the manger. Back where I should have been the whole time. Thanks for being patient with this post. I promise I will return to my regular stuff tomorrow...I just really needed to get this out.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
More Lost Teeth
Sorry folks...more gratuitous pictures of my baby girl. She lost another tooth tonight and so we just had to have a photo shoot.
She is a brave and goofy girl!!! I actually felt a bit queasy with the blood loss on this one (normally doesn't bother me too much). But the whole "dental"-phobia thing I have goin' on...not a good combo tonight! Oh well, I survived.

On the knitting front -- busy, busy, busy. I have three different projects on the sticks right now so it is keeping me content. Will post some piccys this week.
Tonight was the finale of The Amazing Race so we had a bit of an appetizer-type supper. Quite enjoyable. The models won...no surprise there. Would have been nice for the two moms to win.
Well, this will be a quick post tonight. I will have more blah, blah, blah tomorrow. Good night, my lovelies!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I am Weak...
I am weak when it comes to pretty things. I am weak when I feel something whose texture is soft and buttery. I am weak...it is my achilles heel.... It's called "Having Money In My Pocket".
Growing up, my sister and I received a weekly allowance. My parents were fair and probably blessed us weekly with more than we probably deserved. But I just couldn't wait for Saturday. It was then we were given a predetermined amount of money which was ours to spend or save. My sister and I lived on opposite ends of the spending spectrum.
Now don't get me wrong. I LOVE my sister! In fact I am jealous and envious of her for so many reasons. The one thing I envy most about my sister is her amazing ability to save up the blessings God sends her way. She has an amazing gift and I wish I too could have that ability. My sister, I believe, is far more patient than I. She has the keen sense to wait on things, to save for awhile, and then, when she's ready, she'll make a wise purchase.
My darling husband is the same way and it really must frustrate him to no end to be married to a spender. For example, if we were to purchase an item for our home, my husband has the great strength of will to wait. He will go home and research on the web. He will do price comparisons. He will read consumer reports. And then, when he's ready, he'll make a wise purchase.
And then there's me. I LOVE to spend money. I don't care if it's a small package of gum, I LOVE to spend money. Spending makes me feel good. Spending is my way of saying to the shop keeper, "Hey, I love you!" I don't know why I like to spend money. I don't know why I can't hold on to it. All I know is it makes me feel all gooey-good inside. It's like a warm hug from a long-lost friend. And my daughter, bless her heart, is a spender too.
This troubles me greatly. For you see, I can handle me being a spender. It's what I do best! However, I weep for my baby girl. She does not understand the path of destruction she is on. I feel I need to help her walk down the more responsible path. That means I need to walk down the responsible path and to learn to be more responsible with my spending habits.
Especially in the new year, my job is ending at the end of the month (for reasons that are far too complicated to go into...nonetheless, I am okay with it). However, it will leave us in a situation where there will be far less money to spend. Solution seems simple...just don't spend your money. Well, not so simple for me. But I believe there is a resolution.
Growing up, my sister and I received a weekly allowance. My parents were fair and probably blessed us weekly with more than we probably deserved. But I just couldn't wait for Saturday. It was then we were given a predetermined amount of money which was ours to spend or save. My sister and I lived on opposite ends of the spending spectrum.
Now don't get me wrong. I LOVE my sister! In fact I am jealous and envious of her for so many reasons. The one thing I envy most about my sister is her amazing ability to save up the blessings God sends her way. She has an amazing gift and I wish I too could have that ability. My sister, I believe, is far more patient than I. She has the keen sense to wait on things, to save for awhile, and then, when she's ready, she'll make a wise purchase.
My darling husband is the same way and it really must frustrate him to no end to be married to a spender. For example, if we were to purchase an item for our home, my husband has the great strength of will to wait. He will go home and research on the web. He will do price comparisons. He will read consumer reports. And then, when he's ready, he'll make a wise purchase.
And then there's me. I LOVE to spend money. I don't care if it's a small package of gum, I LOVE to spend money. Spending makes me feel good. Spending is my way of saying to the shop keeper, "Hey, I love you!" I don't know why I like to spend money. I don't know why I can't hold on to it. All I know is it makes me feel all gooey-good inside. It's like a warm hug from a long-lost friend. And my daughter, bless her heart, is a spender too.
This troubles me greatly. For you see, I can handle me being a spender. It's what I do best! However, I weep for my baby girl. She does not understand the path of destruction she is on. I feel I need to help her walk down the more responsible path. That means I need to walk down the responsible path and to learn to be more responsible with my spending habits.
Especially in the new year, my job is ending at the end of the month (for reasons that are far too complicated to go into...nonetheless, I am okay with it). However, it will leave us in a situation where there will be far less money to spend. Solution seems simple...just don't spend your money. Well, not so simple for me. But I believe there is a resolution.
We live just outside the city and in the new year, we will have to make fewer trips to town. That means organizing my time, going only where I need to go, and spending on only the essentials. This will be a great character-building opportunity for me...that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
So, in honour of receiving my last monthly "allowance", today while in town, I made a couple of purchases. You know, 'cause it's almost Christmas and like an impatient child, I just can't wait for anything!!!!
I bought myself some wool to make myself some felted clogs...

And I bought a little bit of heaven...(we're talkin' Alpaca, baby!)
To make this.... It will be my favorite scarf I've ever made myself. Well, it better be since it'll be the last wool purchase I'll be making for a bit (*sob* *sniff*). Please go now...I don't want you to see me cry...

Monday, December 04, 2006
Fontanini Set
This is our Fontanini Nativity Set. My parents gave it to us last year for Christmas. It is loverly, indeed! Today I snapped some pictures of it to post (sorry no knitting pics...tomorrow, I promise). I had a few minutes to post these before I start cooking supper. We did a crazy, much needed, cleaning of the house today (thanks, Arron)! It feels a lot more cozy and peaceful than it did at 8:30 a.m. today.
The first picture is of the whole set...

The second pic is a close-up of one of the angel figures...

The last pic is my favorite...the afternoon sun was setting and I was able to capture a great picture...it looks so life-like. I love it (I set it as my desktop background). Have a great night!
The first picture is of the whole set...

The second pic is a close-up of one of the angel figures...

The last pic is my favorite...the afternoon sun was setting and I was able to capture a great picture...it looks so life-like. I love it (I set it as my desktop background). Have a great night!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Advent 2006

Today is the first Sunday of Advent. Today is the day my family and I traditionally start setting up our home for the Christmas season. Now, I know there are many of you out there who poo-poo the whole idea of setting up Christmas stuff during the reflective season of Advent...but it's our tradition, not yours..."so shut up."
I took a bunch of pics today (and a few tonight) so I'm posting them for your viewing pleasure.
On the knitting front, I am pleased to announce that Madeline has been "living" in her pink felted clog slippers. It fills me with great joy joy!!! Now I just need to make some for me and all our toes will be toasty.

I'm also trying a pattern for knitted sockettes (the pattern is not written well, so I'm glad I've made a pair of socks previous to these...or I would be horribly lost!). I've finished one and crocheted a picot edge on it and tonight I'll start the second. After that I'm not sure what project I'd like to start on next. I've been tempted to try a lace shawl/scarf pattern. We'll see. I'll hit my books and magazines and maybe start a wish list of everything I would like to make.
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