The other day I signed up to be part of a knitalong project. Larissa Brown has organized a test group of knitters to be part of a knitting group. She is writing a book about knitting together as a community. She wrote this "Meathead" pattern which she then distributed to the test group.
Currently there are over 200 knitters participating in this project. From the submissions provided, she will select 9-18 projects to be selected for publication. The people she selects will then be flown to Portland and New York to be professionally photographed. How exciting it would be to be chosen!!! Especially because it is a HUGE dream of mine to go to New York City. I would just pee my pants with excitement if I were chosen to be one of the selected participants.
Anyway, the pattern is quite simple and I was able to knit it in 1 1/2hrs. The point of the project is to take a relatively simple project and add an embellishment of your choosing. I chose to knit up a breast cancer awareness ribbon in honour of my mom...she's a survivor, baby! Woo Hoo Mom!!! It's just one little way of letting people know how precious my mom is to me. She is an amazing person to be able to go through all her treatments which were horrible. Afterwards she joined a group of breast cancer survivors who raced in Dragon Boat races! What an amazing group of strong women who kicked butt on the river.
Mom, this hat is in your honour. You are strong, courageous, and a survivor.
EDIT TO THIS POST: I heard from Larissa Brown by e-mail. There was a misunderstanding with her post. Only the hats get to do the travelling! :(
Well, that just means I'll make it there some other way. No problems!
What a great project and inspiring story! You did a super job and I'll bet your mom is pretty touched by the tribute.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and a trip to the big city!
great Job Becky, which I was so talented to be able to do that. Thankyou so much for the comments they mean so much to me and yes I am a fighter to the end and can kick butt. Would that ever be good if you could go to New York. Luv u, Mom
Hi Becky: Again you amaze me with your talents. Next week a friend is going to try to teach me how to crochet. My Mom tried and I failed - but Marlene is insisting that I can knit an afghan in no time!!!!. Love your blog - I keep telling you that you should be a writer.
luv u. Auntie B.
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