My baby girl has lost her third tooth...she's rather pleased about the whole ordeal! Now I lovingly tease her that she has a checkerboard smile. My baby is growing up! (*sigh* *sniff*) She has two more loose (her front top teeth) and one of her molars is getting wiggly. They're all coming out at the same time!!!

On the knitting front, I love my meathead hat (last post) which I completed on Friday. Yesterday I started knitting a pink pair of felted clog slippers for my baby girl (will be a Christmas gift). I've finished one of the socks that will be another Christmas gift for someone else...can't say whom since they frequently read this blog. Then I have a few more projects in mind...never-ending (*squeals of delight*). In fact I really think I've become a "chain-knitter". Kind of like a chain-smoker, but healthier! :)
I was in my new favorite knitting shop on Friday (Madeline was EXTREMELY patient while I had to touch EVERYTHING!). In the new year, I'm looking into taking a spinning class...so I'm rather excited about that. So I've been going in and touching her fleece...hmmm, that sounds kinda dirty. She even has a great looking Niddy Noddy!!! :) All you spinners know what I'm sayin'...for the rest of you, get your mind out of the gutter.
Today was beautiful and sunny, but oddly enough we spent the whole day indoors...and I wasn't even knitting (*gasp*). After church, we were invited to a family's home who celebrated a baptism of their latest grandbaby today, and then we went to town to visit with our great friends, Chris & Jamie. After that we grabbed a bite to eat, picked up minimal groceries, then came home. Of course by the time we left the restaurant it was pitch black outside...sunny day gone now.
But now we are going to settle down and watch the Amazing Race...great knitting opportunity!!! That's it. I need to admit I have a problem (isn't that the first step???) and check myself in for knitting rehab...wait for it...LOL (I just couldn't keep a straight face on that one :)
Good night all you little lovlies out there and have a loverly sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, count sheep...all that pretty fleece prancing about...ahhhhh, fleece, spinning, knitting, new projects...I need help.
1 comment:
My daughter's front baby teeth are all gone and she's got the giant-rabbit thing going on at the moment. I miss the little chiclet teeth!
You call it "checkerboard." My husband would say that your daughter "could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence." (I assume that's a Vermont regional term.)
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