Okay, so today we had a satelite repairman who came to our house to install a second receiver. Before he came, my hubby and I were joking about the possibility of this fellow being like the Jim Carey character in the movie "The Cable Guy". We were laughing, doing the whole, "Hey Thteven" lisp-thing from the movie.
Well Arron had to go to town which left me in charge of dealing with The Cable Guy. Armed with instructions and my imagination running wild, I waited in great anticipation for the unsuspecting serviceman to arrive.
When the doorbell rang, I was (at this point) quite beside myself with excitement. You need to understand that my hubby and I really have no life outside of quoting movie lines to one another all day as the main source of our conversation (even our 7yr old daughter gets into it...nice!) so you can maybe appreciate the chance that the man standing on the other side of the door could, in fact, be Jim Carey-ish and that might be cause for excitement. Well, my internet readers, he did not disappoint!
As I opened the door, there before me stood a Jim Carey-ish character right out of the movie. He stood about 6'3" and maybe weighed about 190 lbs. He was dressed in a tight black Montreal Canadiens touque, a heavy overcoat (perfect for Canadian winters), MEC pants. Under his overcoat he was wearing a red hoodie (a hooded sweatshirt, or bunny hug, for those out west) bearing the same Montreal Canadiens logo emblazened on the front. Well to my deepest pleasure I noted that written on his arm was the following: #2 Stephan. Stephan. Now, really, in french it is pronounced "steh-fawn" (accent on the "fawn"). However, many people do pronounce it as the ever popular "Steven". Now for those of you who haven't seen the movie, "Steven" was the poor unsuspecting sap that the Cable Man attached his affections to. Next, "Steven" in the movie, undergoes a series of hilarious and horrific events all because he politely let the Cable Man know that he wasn't interested in the new and weird friendship.
Okay, so now that we've established all of that, my story thus continues....
For the sake of arguement, let's call this serviceman in my home...let's call him Jim (as in Jim Carey, because that's all I can see in this character). Now, Jim is one of those 'know-it-all' people, especially when it comes to cable repair. He is the type of person who sniffs the air when he talks (not unlike the Mr. Furley character on Three's Company...I told you, I have no life). Anywho... "Jim" was checking out the receiver he was about to hook up, nodding to himself, like he'd just discovered some long-lost artifact from the Mayan culture.
"Yep," Jim said, with an air of authority, "Whatcha got here's a K947Z2P model (*sniff*). Real popular back in the early 2000's (*sniff*)." I was blown away by his vast knowledge of things so terrifyingly boring. He looked at the cabinet which would soon house this marvel of technology. "I see you've got here that crackle finish on your cabinet."
I smile and nod.
"(*sniff*) So I knows this woman who goes to garage sales buyin' up all these old rocking horses," stated Jim. "You know which ones I mean? Well, (*sniff*) she take those horses apart and mounts them on like...a wooden post. You know which ones I mean? Makes it look like one of them there carousel horses (*sniff*)." He paused and looked up at me from the floor where he was kneeling.
I smiled, stiffling the smug giggle that was just dying to come out. I nodded and Jim Carey continued.
"Well, then she paints them up real nice with that crackle stuff. Looks like they're over a hundred years old. She fetches nearly $300 bucks for one of those ponies," Jim said as he marvelled in this little known fact.
"Wow," I responded, trying to feign interest. "You don't say."
Just then the new receiver came to life as Bob Barker was waiting on the stage while Johnny called another lucky contestant down from the audience.
"Oooooh," squealed Jim, quite unexpectedly. "The Price Is Right! C'mon down," he yelled out as he reached for his clipboard. Then he gleefully cried out, "Yippee!"
Well now, that was just the icing on the cake for me.
Jim then proceeded to bring up some techie codes by pressing some magical buttons on the remote. All sorts of binary codes of some type or another flashed up onto the screen. Jim sniffed the air in that 'I'm-a-techno-geek-and therefore-I-am-superior-to-you' sort of way and said, "Yep, (*sniff*) I'll get you fixed up in no time." His voice sounded as though he was straining to take a crap rather than impart his wisdom upon me. Funny thing is, he was talking to the television.
Shortly after that I walked him to the door, thanked him for coming out, shut the door, and proceeded to shove a pillow in my mouth to muffle the peals of shrieking laughter which now poured out in uncontrollable waves.
Good times...good times!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
A MeMe about Me
1. FIRST NAME? Rebecca (but everyone calls me Becky)
2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? My great Auntie Beccy (my dad's aunt)
3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? Last night...I've had the flu for the last two days and I was so sick of being sick and achy and I had the worst ever migraine too. I was hurtin'. But today, I'm feeling a little more human.
4. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? I LOVE my handwriting...it makes me sad that the art of good penmanship is dying with the age of computers and everything techno.
5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? It's a toss up between Black Forest Ham or Black Angus Roast Beef.
6. KIDS? One
8. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? I have several.
9. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? Duh!!!! (Okay, for those of you who do not recognize sarcasm, that was it...I'd have to say, "Yes, I am sarcastic.")
11. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? My mouth says yes, but I'm sure if I got up there, my bowels would say the complete opposite.
14. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? It depends on the situation
15. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Hmmmm...another toss up between chocolate and chocolate chip cookie dough.
16. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? If they have a kind face and a sense of humour.
17. RED OR PINK? Red
18. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? I don't have time to list everything, so I'd have to go with "impatience".
19. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? Family & Friends -- we live far away from everyone
20. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? Not necessary, unless you really want to e-mail me your answers
21. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES YOU ARE WEARING? My blue snowman flannel pj bottoms and bare feet (I'm still getting over the flu)
22 THE LAST THING YOU ATE? Toast with pb & j, milk, and a Christmas orange
23 . WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? The washing machine
24. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? Violet (or any shade of purple...my favorite)
25. FAVORITE SMELL? Freshly cut grass, the first BBQ in spring, and freshly brewed coffee (although I hate to drink coffee)
26. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? My friend Chris who called to tell me they were e-mailing pics of their new puppy.
27. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? My good friend Jackie sent this to me, and although I don't e-mail too often to tell you, Arron & I miss you and Don terribly!
28. FAVORITE DRINK? Diet Pepsi...My favorite Christmas drink is milk with Baileys on ice with a dab of chocolate syrup! Yum yum yum...me LOVE Christmas drink!!!
29. FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH? Not a big sports fan...although I will watch playoffs if my beloved Saskatchewan Roughriders are playing for the Grey Cup or if my beloved Edmonton Oilers are kickin' ass to win the Lord Stanley's Cup. Other than that we are not big on watching the sports in our household.
30. HAIR COLOR? Dirty blonde with highlights
31. EYE COLOR? Blue
32. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? Nope, I love my glasses...I hate touching my fingers to my eyeballs...kinda grosses me out really
33. FAVORITE FOODS? Anything Italian, anything with chicken, or McDonalds French Fries (ba-da ba-da da...I'm-a lovin' them! Mmmmm salty french fries...oooh, flu-y stomach is spasming, not good, not good)
36. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? A light blue t-shirt
38. HUGS OR KISSES? Both, most definitely!
39. FAVORITE DESSERT? Anything with chocolate
41. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? Again, see #40
42. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? Interweave Knits (Winter 2006) and Turning Life Into Fiction (my Auntie Bonnie has been encouraging me with my writing, so I've picked up the old books with aspirations of getting published)
43. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? Don't use one...our mouse doesn't use protection
44. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV LAST NIGHT? Nothing - I was trying not to throw up
47. THE FURTHEST YOU BEEN FROM HOME? Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (thanks dad :) )
48. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? Um, well, I like to knit, I enjoy singing, I can play the organ & piano. I used to dance like a Solid Gold Dancer too, but then I got fat and my rhythm...well, she's-a not-a so pretty anymore-a!
49. WHEN WERE YOU BORN? February 1, 1969
50. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Saskatoon, Saskatchewan baby!
2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? My great Auntie Beccy (my dad's aunt)
3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? Last night...I've had the flu for the last two days and I was so sick of being sick and achy and I had the worst ever migraine too. I was hurtin'. But today, I'm feeling a little more human.
4. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? I LOVE my handwriting...it makes me sad that the art of good penmanship is dying with the age of computers and everything techno.
5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? It's a toss up between Black Forest Ham or Black Angus Roast Beef.
6. KIDS? One
8. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? I have several.
9. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? Duh!!!! (Okay, for those of you who do not recognize sarcasm, that was it...I'd have to say, "Yes, I am sarcastic.")
11. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? My mouth says yes, but I'm sure if I got up there, my bowels would say the complete opposite.
14. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? It depends on the situation
15. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Hmmmm...another toss up between chocolate and chocolate chip cookie dough.
16. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? If they have a kind face and a sense of humour.
17. RED OR PINK? Red
18. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? I don't have time to list everything, so I'd have to go with "impatience".
19. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? Family & Friends -- we live far away from everyone
20. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? Not necessary, unless you really want to e-mail me your answers
21. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES YOU ARE WEARING? My blue snowman flannel pj bottoms and bare feet (I'm still getting over the flu)
22 THE LAST THING YOU ATE? Toast with pb & j, milk, and a Christmas orange
23 . WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? The washing machine
24. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? Violet (or any shade of purple...my favorite)
25. FAVORITE SMELL? Freshly cut grass, the first BBQ in spring, and freshly brewed coffee (although I hate to drink coffee)
26. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? My friend Chris who called to tell me they were e-mailing pics of their new puppy.
27. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? My good friend Jackie sent this to me, and although I don't e-mail too often to tell you, Arron & I miss you and Don terribly!
28. FAVORITE DRINK? Diet Pepsi...My favorite Christmas drink is milk with Baileys on ice with a dab of chocolate syrup! Yum yum yum...me LOVE Christmas drink!!!
29. FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH? Not a big sports fan...although I will watch playoffs if my beloved Saskatchewan Roughriders are playing for the Grey Cup or if my beloved Edmonton Oilers are kickin' ass to win the Lord Stanley's Cup. Other than that we are not big on watching the sports in our household.
30. HAIR COLOR? Dirty blonde with highlights
31. EYE COLOR? Blue
32. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? Nope, I love my glasses...I hate touching my fingers to my eyeballs...kinda grosses me out really
33. FAVORITE FOODS? Anything Italian, anything with chicken, or McDonalds French Fries (ba-da ba-da da...I'm-a lovin' them! Mmmmm salty french fries...oooh, flu-y stomach is spasming, not good, not good)
36. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? A light blue t-shirt
38. HUGS OR KISSES? Both, most definitely!
39. FAVORITE DESSERT? Anything with chocolate
41. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? Again, see #40
42. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? Interweave Knits (Winter 2006) and Turning Life Into Fiction (my Auntie Bonnie has been encouraging me with my writing, so I've picked up the old books with aspirations of getting published)
43. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? Don't use one...our mouse doesn't use protection
44. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV LAST NIGHT? Nothing - I was trying not to throw up
47. THE FURTHEST YOU BEEN FROM HOME? Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (thanks dad :) )
48. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? Um, well, I like to knit, I enjoy singing, I can play the organ & piano. I used to dance like a Solid Gold Dancer too, but then I got fat and my rhythm...well, she's-a not-a so pretty anymore-a!
49. WHEN WERE YOU BORN? February 1, 1969
50. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Saskatoon, Saskatchewan baby!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Madeline's Felted Slippers

Well, they're finished. I completed Madeline's felted slippers in one week. I began knitting them last Saturday, and this morning I felted them in the washer. They turned out okay...not sure how much she really likes them (note last blog). I was a bit disappointed when she slipped them on and I heard that familiar, "ummmm..." which in the past has been code for "I'll be polite and say I like them, but I really have no plans on wearing them...ever!" Perhaps she'll surprise me.

Friday, November 24, 2006
'ello, 'ello, 'ello
Happy Friday Everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving to all my new American blog friends. I hope you all had a relaxing holiday and filled up on the turkey 'n' fixin's.
Tomorrow I should have some new pictures of Madeline's felted clogs. I'll wait for some natural light for taking piccys. They are pretty cute - I just hope she wears them! She's a typical kidlet. She wants you to make something for her, wears it a couple of times, and then really doesn't give it a second glance. Ergo, I will not be making her a sweater anytime soon. I figure there's no sense putting blood, sweat, and tears into something she really won't wear more than once or twice. She always says she will...but never really does.
On the sock front things have gone from ugly to worse. I tried to knit a pair of socks sort of improvising with a basic pattern. The sock yarn I bought was Regia 4-Fach Haltbar in a light denim blue (varigated). Really nice stuff, but the mini-cable pattern I chose does not look good. It keeps twisting the leg part (when it should be straight). Plus the foot part seems too small. It's hard to tell from the picture, but it looks like it should fit my 7 yr old daughter. Darn it that's so frustrating! 

I also previously tried the Jaywalker pattern, but it was so tight, I couldn't get my heel through the leg part. You can also see along the vertical stripes, I have these gaping holes. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong!!!

I am not sure what I did, but they are not as nice as my self-striping socks. I find the Regia yarn is quite stretchy. Perhaps I just need to do a plain pattern with the stretchier stuff. Any advice or feedback would be welcome. This is only my second pair of socks that I've tried to knit. Yargh! I am so frustrated!!! They were supposed to be a Christmas gift, but now I am sure I won't be able to get them done in time for shipping (sorry mom...maybe for your birthday). I'm totally bummed!
Well, I better get going. My hubby took my daughter out tonight and so I have a couple more hours of quiet knitting time to myself (eeeeeeeeeeee!!!). Maybe I'll pop in a movie and finish Madeline's clogs (will post pics tomorrow). So many choices, I'm not sure what to do. Until tomorrow, keep knitting!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Roll Call
Hello all you readers and lurkers. It's time for a roll call. Click on the comments button for this post and let me know you've been stopping by (...you too, lurkers).
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
It's a Beautiful Day!
Hello Dah-lings!
Today has been a beautiful day! My husband had his monthly meeting with the other Lutheran pastors in the area, so I got together with my good friend Chris for lunch and mucho lah-f-tah (that's 'laughter' for all you non-geeky dorky people out there)!
So you need to picture it. Two moms in desperate need for "mommy-time" depart in the 'silver bullet' (our minivan...oh, how suburban!). Excited to be without children around the ankles, we sped off giggling like two kids that are about to get into mega-mischief. We got to Kelsey's restaurant and indulged in food prepared for two princesses. It was kinda nice to eat and have an 'adult' conversation. You know the kind. The kind of conversation that doesn't start off with , "Austin was picking his nose today and it was gross" or "Mom, dad is teasing me...STOP IT!!!!" or, my personal favorite, "Gross mom did you fart?" always making sure the whole restaurant heard her. No, today, it was a decent conversation full of laughter and good times.
Then we walked over to Chapters bookstore (my second heaven) and "browsed" without the ankle-biter asking for the 15th time if we can go "to the kid's section yet?" Apparently she can get impatient after standing in the "knitting books" section for only an hour. I mean what kind of staying power is that!!!??? We each made our own personal purchases...something just for us. Now some of you may find that last statement a little "selfish". Especially because I make "special purchases" for myself all the time (yarn, books, magazines, le chocolat). Hey, remember? I am a princess! I am demanding and selfish! It's part of the job description!!!
Well, after that, I dropped my friend off at home, picked up my dearest hubby (ha...I say that like the others aren't dear to me at all!), and we sped home to pick up baby girl. We had to speed, because we would have been late as usual. And if we're not careful, they may contact Social Services, because according to my baby girl, if you are precisely .0001525 nano-seconds late, it is like the end of the world.
Once home I proceeded to tear apart my "meathead" hat. It was far too tall. I felt like some kind of mutant gnome. Then I re-knit it (it only took me an hour this time) and it is soooooooo much better. It still looks the same, but miles shorter. I sure love that pattern! Wow, one hour and you have a great new hat to sport around town.
Last night I finished knitting Madeline's second clog (for felting). I just have to sew up the inner sole tonight and knit the outer sole and then those puppies are ready for felting. I actually feel like a bit of an accomplished knitter this past month. I've finished a number of projects which I have felt very proud of. Not that the projects themselves are superior or otherworldly but just the fact I have finished projects. Not the usual little bits of something here or there.
However, the house has suffered tremendous catastrophic neglect. But again...Princess!
Today has been a beautiful day! My husband had his monthly meeting with the other Lutheran pastors in the area, so I got together with my good friend Chris for lunch and mucho lah-f-tah (that's 'laughter' for all you non-geeky dorky people out there)!
So you need to picture it. Two moms in desperate need for "mommy-time" depart in the 'silver bullet' (our minivan...oh, how suburban!). Excited to be without children around the ankles, we sped off giggling like two kids that are about to get into mega-mischief. We got to Kelsey's restaurant and indulged in food prepared for two princesses. It was kinda nice to eat and have an 'adult' conversation. You know the kind. The kind of conversation that doesn't start off with , "Austin was picking his nose today and it was gross" or "Mom, dad is teasing me...STOP IT!!!!" or, my personal favorite, "Gross mom did you fart?" always making sure the whole restaurant heard her. No, today, it was a decent conversation full of laughter and good times.
Then we walked over to Chapters bookstore (my second heaven) and "browsed" without the ankle-biter asking for the 15th time if we can go "to the kid's section yet?" Apparently she can get impatient after standing in the "knitting books" section for only an hour. I mean what kind of staying power is that!!!??? We each made our own personal purchases...something just for us. Now some of you may find that last statement a little "selfish". Especially because I make "special purchases" for myself all the time (yarn, books, magazines, le chocolat). Hey, remember? I am a princess! I am demanding and selfish! It's part of the job description!!!
Well, after that, I dropped my friend off at home, picked up my dearest hubby (ha...I say that like the others aren't dear to me at all!), and we sped home to pick up baby girl. We had to speed, because we would have been late as usual. And if we're not careful, they may contact Social Services, because according to my baby girl, if you are precisely .0001525 nano-seconds late, it is like the end of the world.
Once home I proceeded to tear apart my "meathead" hat. It was far too tall. I felt like some kind of mutant gnome. Then I re-knit it (it only took me an hour this time) and it is soooooooo much better. It still looks the same, but miles shorter. I sure love that pattern! Wow, one hour and you have a great new hat to sport around town.
Last night I finished knitting Madeline's second clog (for felting). I just have to sew up the inner sole tonight and knit the outer sole and then those puppies are ready for felting. I actually feel like a bit of an accomplished knitter this past month. I've finished a number of projects which I have felt very proud of. Not that the projects themselves are superior or otherworldly but just the fact I have finished projects. Not the usual little bits of something here or there.
However, the house has suffered tremendous catastrophic neglect. But again...Princess!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Checkerboard Smiles

My baby girl has lost her third tooth...she's rather pleased about the whole ordeal! Now I lovingly tease her that she has a checkerboard smile. My baby is growing up! (*sigh* *sniff*) She has two more loose (her front top teeth) and one of her molars is getting wiggly. They're all coming out at the same time!!!

On the knitting front, I love my meathead hat (last post) which I completed on Friday. Yesterday I started knitting a pink pair of felted clog slippers for my baby girl (will be a Christmas gift). I've finished one of the socks that will be another Christmas gift for someone else...can't say whom since they frequently read this blog. Then I have a few more projects in mind...never-ending (*squeals of delight*). In fact I really think I've become a "chain-knitter". Kind of like a chain-smoker, but healthier! :)
I was in my new favorite knitting shop on Friday (Madeline was EXTREMELY patient while I had to touch EVERYTHING!). In the new year, I'm looking into taking a spinning class...so I'm rather excited about that. So I've been going in and touching her fleece...hmmm, that sounds kinda dirty. She even has a great looking Niddy Noddy!!! :) All you spinners know what I'm sayin'...for the rest of you, get your mind out of the gutter.
Today was beautiful and sunny, but oddly enough we spent the whole day indoors...and I wasn't even knitting (*gasp*). After church, we were invited to a family's home who celebrated a baptism of their latest grandbaby today, and then we went to town to visit with our great friends, Chris & Jamie. After that we grabbed a bite to eat, picked up minimal groceries, then came home. Of course by the time we left the restaurant it was pitch black outside...sunny day gone now.
But now we are going to settle down and watch the Amazing Race...great knitting opportunity!!! That's it. I need to admit I have a problem (isn't that the first step???) and check myself in for knitting rehab...wait for it...LOL (I just couldn't keep a straight face on that one :)
Good night all you little lovlies out there and have a loverly sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, count sheep...all that pretty fleece prancing about...ahhhhh, fleece, spinning, knitting, new projects...I need help.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Meathead Knitting Project

The other day I signed up to be part of a knitalong project. Larissa Brown has organized a test group of knitters to be part of a knitting group. She is writing a book about knitting together as a community. She wrote this "Meathead" pattern which she then distributed to the test group.
Currently there are over 200 knitters participating in this project. From the submissions provided, she will select 9-18 projects to be selected for publication. The people she selects will then be flown to Portland and New York to be professionally photographed. How exciting it would be to be chosen!!! Especially because it is a HUGE dream of mine to go to New York City. I would just pee my pants with excitement if I were chosen to be one of the selected participants.
Anyway, the pattern is quite simple and I was able to knit it in 1 1/2hrs. The point of the project is to take a relatively simple project and add an embellishment of your choosing. I chose to knit up a breast cancer awareness ribbon in honour of my mom...she's a survivor, baby! Woo Hoo Mom!!! It's just one little way of letting people know how precious my mom is to me. She is an amazing person to be able to go through all her treatments which were horrible. Afterwards she joined a group of breast cancer survivors who raced in Dragon Boat races! What an amazing group of strong women who kicked butt on the river.
Mom, this hat is in your honour. You are strong, courageous, and a survivor.
EDIT TO THIS POST: I heard from Larissa Brown by e-mail. There was a misunderstanding with her post. Only the hats get to do the travelling! :(
Well, that just means I'll make it there some other way. No problems!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Yesterday, Madeline and Arron decided to build a snowman. However, when I went out to snap some photos, I was rather surprised the "snowman" had boobs! Not little tiny bumps, but "bodacious ta-ta's". Imagine my shock! Well, they thought it was hilarious...what can I say? They had a great time.

I made a lot of progress on my latest sock creation last night. I am almost finished the heel flap and today should be ready to turn the heel...exciting!!!

I may write some more later. Just thought I'd post the "snowgal" pictures for your amusement!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Snowfall in Lappe

Good Morning All!
This morning I woke up feeling all groggy and gross. And then I walked into the kitchen and looked out the windows. There is beautiful snow everywhere! It is gorgeous out there today. The air temp is so mild and beautiful, the snow is gentle falling...gorgeous!

After I dropped Madeline off at school, I just had to run out with my camera and catch a few shots. I'm a sucker for "snow" photos.
On the knitting front, I am still working on a pair of socks. They are a Christmas gift for someone, so I can't really say much more until later. Suffice it to say, they are coming along swimmingly!
I hope you all have a beautiful day!
Friday, November 10, 2006
I'm Such a Dork!
I am weak in the face of temptation. I caved.
Well, in my defence, the first time I picked up the sticks was when Madeline got home from school. I ALWAYS sit with her and I knit as she does her homework. It wouldn't have felt right for either of us if I had not sat down with her....
The second time I "gave-in" was right after I mopped the floors. I planned it so I finished just at the right place near the living room. I had a nice cool beverage waiting for me at the couch. Well, I couldn't possibly walked around on that wet floor, could I? I mean, when you only mop the floors once in a blue moon, you want them to stay looking nice for as long as possible. Am I right???
Well, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Spoken like a true addict. Addicts can rationalize their poor behaviour until the cows come home. But needless to say, I'm still a dork! LOL...
It's Friday night and we have an "exciting" evening planned. After dinner, we'll get Madeline showered up so that we can sit down and watch a PPV movie on TV...Curious George. That's an hour and a half of family time (plus I can knit while we watch...the best of both worlds).
Well I hope you've all had a great week and here's to an even better weekend!
Magpie...The Princess!
Well, in my defence, the first time I picked up the sticks was when Madeline got home from school. I ALWAYS sit with her and I knit as she does her homework. It wouldn't have felt right for either of us if I had not sat down with her....
The second time I "gave-in" was right after I mopped the floors. I planned it so I finished just at the right place near the living room. I had a nice cool beverage waiting for me at the couch. Well, I couldn't possibly walked around on that wet floor, could I? I mean, when you only mop the floors once in a blue moon, you want them to stay looking nice for as long as possible. Am I right???
Well, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Spoken like a true addict. Addicts can rationalize their poor behaviour until the cows come home. But needless to say, I'm still a dork! LOL...
It's Friday night and we have an "exciting" evening planned. After dinner, we'll get Madeline showered up so that we can sit down and watch a PPV movie on TV...Curious George. That's an hour and a half of family time (plus I can knit while we watch...the best of both worlds).
Well I hope you've all had a great week and here's to an even better weekend!
Magpie...The Princess!
Hi Again
Hi everyone!
Wow, two blog entries in one day...that's, that's crazy, man! But I am feeling the need to write this morning.
This is a tribute to a previous post on my other blog (which, sadly, is now gone due to some technical thingy which I am no good with the fixy).
Now as many of you know, I do believe I was born to be a princess (y'know, servants, maids, people to paint my toenails, someone to turn the pages of my glossy magazines, blah, blah, blah). And, as many of you know I HATE doing housework. It is the bane of my existence. One would think I am actually allergic to the whole process, especially lately as you look around the castle...absolutely horrible.
Now my husband, the prince, is a kind and loving man. And VERY patient! That is why I love the prince. Because he knows me to the very core of who I am. Now, although the prince loves to come home to a clean castle, more times than not, he crosses the drawbridge into the "castle of chaos" (note: say "castle of chaos" in a deep echo-y voice in your head...then you get the full picture).
As I was saying, the prince loves his princess...warts and all! He knows that she is a flighty little creature who often gets distracted by pretty, crafty little projects (kind of like a magpie who is easily distracted by pretty, shiny things). Perhaps that is what the prince should call me...Magpie, the Princess! Sounds rather royal-ish. Anywhoooo...sorry, I keep digressing from my main story (see...like a magpie...).
Well the prince is a loving a patient man...who (and I can't blame him for this) loves a clean palace. Lately, I have been so distracted with other things, I have been using my knitting projects as a major distraction from thinking about "life-in-general". Being the loving prince, he humours me in my wallowing and "running-away-from-life-by-knitting-because-if-I-don't-keep-distracted-I'm-gonna-have-a-meltdown" kind of existence. But, again, last night I looked around the castle, and after tripping over the same pair of shoes not once, not twice, but thrice times, I decided the knitting has to be ruthlessly thrust to the side. ABSOLUTELY no more knitting until I've cleaned the castle up today. (Besides, I've been sitting and knitting for so many hours at a stretch that my muscles are beginning to cramp)
So, today I am boycotting my knitting (*sob* *sniff*) until the castle is clean. No giving into the princess's little tantrums today, no sir! I caved last week when I made the same pledge (I am so weak). But today, no yarn will be touched, fondled, or lovingly caressed until every spec of dust has been vacuumed, every piece of clothing has been washed and put away, every countertop scrubbed, every sink and toilet gleaming, and every pillow fluffed. Then and only then will I pick up the sticks and wool.
Which brings me to my next point. When do I tell the prince I'd like to raise a couple of sheep to grow my own fleece??? Here pretty sheep...come to Magpie!
Wow, two blog entries in one day...that's, that's crazy, man! But I am feeling the need to write this morning.
This is a tribute to a previous post on my other blog (which, sadly, is now gone due to some technical thingy which I am no good with the fixy).
Now as many of you know, I do believe I was born to be a princess (y'know, servants, maids, people to paint my toenails, someone to turn the pages of my glossy magazines, blah, blah, blah). And, as many of you know I HATE doing housework. It is the bane of my existence. One would think I am actually allergic to the whole process, especially lately as you look around the castle...absolutely horrible.
Now my husband, the prince, is a kind and loving man. And VERY patient! That is why I love the prince. Because he knows me to the very core of who I am. Now, although the prince loves to come home to a clean castle, more times than not, he crosses the drawbridge into the "castle of chaos" (note: say "castle of chaos" in a deep echo-y voice in your head...then you get the full picture).
As I was saying, the prince loves his princess...warts and all! He knows that she is a flighty little creature who often gets distracted by pretty, crafty little projects (kind of like a magpie who is easily distracted by pretty, shiny things). Perhaps that is what the prince should call me...Magpie, the Princess! Sounds rather royal-ish. Anywhoooo...sorry, I keep digressing from my main story (see...like a magpie...).
Well the prince is a loving a patient man...who (and I can't blame him for this) loves a clean palace. Lately, I have been so distracted with other things, I have been using my knitting projects as a major distraction from thinking about "life-in-general". Being the loving prince, he humours me in my wallowing and "running-away-from-life-by-knitting-because-if-I-don't-keep-distracted-I'm-gonna-have-a-meltdown" kind of existence. But, again, last night I looked around the castle, and after tripping over the same pair of shoes not once, not twice, but thrice times, I decided the knitting has to be ruthlessly thrust to the side. ABSOLUTELY no more knitting until I've cleaned the castle up today. (Besides, I've been sitting and knitting for so many hours at a stretch that my muscles are beginning to cramp)
So, today I am boycotting my knitting (*sob* *sniff*) until the castle is clean. No giving into the princess's little tantrums today, no sir! I caved last week when I made the same pledge (I am so weak). But today, no yarn will be touched, fondled, or lovingly caressed until every spec of dust has been vacuumed, every piece of clothing has been washed and put away, every countertop scrubbed, every sink and toilet gleaming, and every pillow fluffed. Then and only then will I pick up the sticks and wool.
Which brings me to my next point. When do I tell the prince I'd like to raise a couple of sheep to grow my own fleece??? Here pretty sheep...come to Magpie!
You Have To Read This!!! Hilarious!!!
Good Morning Everyone!
You have got to read the funniest blog I came across this a.m. It is from the blog Crazy Aunt Purl (a knitting blog). The woman grew up in the deep south and her blog is hilarious. I read this posting this morning...enjoy!
You have got to read the funniest blog I came across this a.m. It is from the blog Crazy Aunt Purl (a knitting blog). The woman grew up in the deep south and her blog is hilarious. I read this posting this morning...enjoy!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Now Taking Comments
Thanks to my hubby for pointing out that the comments section wasn't set up to receive comments from anyone. I have now remedied the situation and y'all can leave comments until the cows come home.
So bad news on the sock front. I've been working on a new pair of socks (a gift for someone) and I went to try to slip the cuff part on just to see how it is working out and was VERY disappointed to find I couldn't get my foot through...the cuff is too narrow! Now, normally this wouldn't be a bother for me. However, I have torn the sock apart and started from scratch about 5 times already. I am not a happy camper, folks. So, later today I will tear it out again, and I will begin...again. And I will not weep (although Christmas is coming and I haven't finished the other projects I have in mind). Argh!
Well, I need to get ready for work so I'd better sign-off for now. I may post pictures of the sock before I rip it apart and start again. I need some knitting pics to spice up this blog!
So bad news on the sock front. I've been working on a new pair of socks (a gift for someone) and I went to try to slip the cuff part on just to see how it is working out and was VERY disappointed to find I couldn't get my foot through...the cuff is too narrow! Now, normally this wouldn't be a bother for me. However, I have torn the sock apart and started from scratch about 5 times already. I am not a happy camper, folks. So, later today I will tear it out again, and I will begin...again. And I will not weep (although Christmas is coming and I haven't finished the other projects I have in mind). Argh!
Well, I need to get ready for work so I'd better sign-off for now. I may post pictures of the sock before I rip it apart and start again. I need some knitting pics to spice up this blog!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Retail Therapy Required!!!
Today I am profoundly sad. We were expecting a phone call which will not take place. I cannot give really any details about it, but suffice it to say it has left me in a funk.
Well, when I am feeling down, like any normal gal retail therapy is the best medicine. But, ho, I have no money for the retail therapy so I figured I would do some window shopping. ***note...these would be excellent gift choices for Christmas for me (subtle hint hint)***
Okay, the first is a gift certificate from Hello Yarn. She will send "a paper certificate, some little treats, and a sample of yarn to get your friend very excited about your gift". She hand-dyes all her yarn and spins it herself. I have been admiring her products for awhile now and would love to get my hand on some of her yarn. I have also been developing a renewed interest in learning to spin my own yarn, and so she has lots of spinning kits that look interesting. I recently spoke with a lady here in Thunder Bay who is part of the weavers and spinners guild and if you have a membership, you can rent one of their wheels for $5.00/month or something ridiculous like that! So that would be something that has caught my interest lately.
Some other sock yarn I have been checking out is available from Blue Moon Fibre Arts. They have a brand of sock yarn called Socks That Rock. I've signed up for their Rockin' Sock Club 2007. It starts in January/February. Over the 2007 year you get 6 sock kits with all sorts of goodies. I am rather excited about this.
Hmmmmm...what else? Well, I am always up for a good book. I'll have to post my wish list.
Oops...gotta go pick up Madeline from school. I'll write more later. Y'know, after that on-line window shopping, I'm feeling a bit better. TTFN
Well, when I am feeling down, like any normal gal retail therapy is the best medicine. But, ho, I have no money for the retail therapy so I figured I would do some window shopping. ***note...these would be excellent gift choices for Christmas for me (subtle hint hint)***
Okay, the first is a gift certificate from Hello Yarn. She will send "a paper certificate, some little treats, and a sample of yarn to get your friend very excited about your gift". She hand-dyes all her yarn and spins it herself. I have been admiring her products for awhile now and would love to get my hand on some of her yarn. I have also been developing a renewed interest in learning to spin my own yarn, and so she has lots of spinning kits that look interesting. I recently spoke with a lady here in Thunder Bay who is part of the weavers and spinners guild and if you have a membership, you can rent one of their wheels for $5.00/month or something ridiculous like that! So that would be something that has caught my interest lately.
Some other sock yarn I have been checking out is available from Blue Moon Fibre Arts. They have a brand of sock yarn called Socks That Rock. I've signed up for their Rockin' Sock Club 2007. It starts in January/February. Over the 2007 year you get 6 sock kits with all sorts of goodies. I am rather excited about this.
Hmmmmm...what else? Well, I am always up for a good book. I'll have to post my wish list.
Oops...gotta go pick up Madeline from school. I'll write more later. Y'know, after that on-line window shopping, I'm feeling a bit better. TTFN
Monday, November 06, 2006
Sam Roberts....Need I Say More?
I came across this Sam Roberts video tonight. I hope the link works. We saw the Sam Roberts band play this summer in TBay (for free...yipee!) Was Becky excited? Oh Yeah!
New Blog Format
Well, something went crazy on my previous site, so I begin again. *big sad face*
Onward and upward!
Onward and upward!
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