Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I'm Still Here

Hi Everyone,

I'm still here. We have company visiting until Feb 5th so I haven't been blogging at all! I miss it very much so I figured I'd drop a line to let you all know I'm am well.

I have been knitting too. I will have some piccys later to post. I just completed a pair of felted clog slippers for my mom's birthday. I'll take some pictures today. They are drying as we speak. My mom also bought me some stuff to make her a ribbon shawl. We saw a sample of it hanging on the wall of the wool shop on Saturday -- I am looking forward to seeing how that works out. Plus Madeline saw a knitted teddy bear (using "eyelash" yarn) so she's looking forward to that. That should keep me quite busy for awhile.

I'll post more later...tah-tah for now...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hello My Loverlies!

I have way too many projects going on. I have four knitting projects that are all patiently waiting to be finished: my lacy kerchief scarf, my felted slippers, a gift for someone (no...not me), and...oh, for the love of Pete! The fourth project has slipped my mind. I think I am losing it these days. Hmmmmm, well, it will come back to me.

Anyways, the point is that I am obviously not very good at multi-tasking. I think it is because I become easily bored of things rather quickly. I like to challenge myself -- let's just chalk it up to the fact that I believe I am a genius! Hence I can't just stick to straight stockinette stitch or garter stitch projects anymore. I find them a little bit...mundane. Once I figured out how to read charts (for my lacy scarf project) it changed me. I LOVE the challenge, although, I do find myself talking like a sailor on some days. I also love the fact that I can actually figure them out on my own. It gives me a great sense of satisfaction.

However, challenging oneself does has its limitations. For example, I love to do jigsaw puzzles. I normally get the urge to complete one every year during the Christmas season. But I know my limitations. You will never find me working on those ridiculous puzzles that have the same sort of pattern on both sides, with abstract puzzle pieces, and has an irregular shaped frame. No sir...that's...that's just crazy! No headache is worth that type of accomplishment. Now, if you are the type of person who likes those type of puzzles, I'm sorry...but we could never be friends. It's not that you're not a nice person with fascinating hobbies, it's just that you think on a whole other level which may cause my chicken-like brain to implode. Therefore, your conversations just might leave me staring into space like a deer caught in the headlights. And we all know how messy those types of situations can be!

Now if you are one of those people who like to approach their puzzles from a more logical point-of-view (i.e. put the frame together first, then tackle the inside pieces) pull up a chair, roll out the green felt puzzle mat, and let's dish!

Monday, January 22, 2007

New Blogging Arenas

Hola My Beauties,

Just to let you know, I have started two more blogs. One to chart my weight loss (I'm hoping this keeps me accountable) and the other is about Lutheran Christian stuff. If you are interested, please check them out. I just felt I needed other forums for stuff other than knitting (*gasp*). I know, I know there is more to me than knitting. Take a moment....breathe deeply. And release your breath slowly.

My blog on my weight loss progress is titled I Can Do This. I figured it would be a great place to chart my successes along the way without boring those who come to Knit Girl.

My other blog is something very near and dear to me...my Lutheran faith. As a confessional Lutheran "Pastor's Wife", I don't always feel I have a voice. I'm tired of people giving me the impression that I need to apologize for my love of being a confessional Lutheran. Well, I'm not gonna apologize...I'm gonna write instead. If you so desire, please check it out. The blog is called Lutheran Chicklet.

Now for the rest of you...do not fear. Knit Girl will remain. I will continue blogging here. I just needed different blogging arenas for those areas in my life.

Breathe in...breathe out. There. I feel much better!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ooooh...I'm an Aristocrat!

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Her Excellency Rebecca the Vehement of Bumswick by the Hole
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

I Love Fortune Cookies

My Fortune Cookie told me:
You are destined to lead a religious cult full of people who paint their faces purple.
Get a cookie from Miss Fortune

Meet Gill

Hi, my name is Gill. I am an angelfish and this is my home. You'll notice I have no tankmates. I've eaten them all, although some have gone to that big fishbowl in the sky all on their own. I really am a cantankerous sort of fella. I apparently am so "mean" that my peoples will not bring me anymore playmates.

The lady that feeds me every day seems to be an odd sort of person. She swims past me and waves her fins, makes goofy faces, and talks to me when she drops in my food. She has numerous nicknames for me such as "The Gillster" and "Gilly McGillenstein". She is an odd sort of duck.

When she is not "doting" on me, or admiring my fins, she knits. I would say she used to be a hobby knitter. You know, working on the odd project now and then. But I dare say it has crossed the line into obsession/addiction. I am getting a bit concerned for my lady. She used to try to keep the house tidy...but not so much anymore. If she does clean, it is usually because somebody is coming to visit and it becomes a whirlwind of activity...dusting, scrubbing, sweeping, hiding junk in the cupboards. It's really quite sad.

She has become quite preoccupied as of late. If she has a minute or two between flipping great Canadian steaks on the bar-b-que you will find her hunched over her knitting seeing how many repeats she can accomplish before the timer sends her back out into the cold. If the phone happens to ring she mutters to herself as she swims across the room. She even encourages her daughter to have long showers in order to knit as much as she can before the kid gets out.

I've also noticed this scarf she's been working on. She has an unusual attachment to the alpaca fibre. She must be cold or something, because she's constantly pressing the knitted fibre to her face and uttering all sorts of ooooh's and aaaaaah's. It must help because she then just sits back and stares at it, smiling like a lunatic.

I try not to say too much for fear of sending my dear lady over the edge. But I do worry about her. What if she forgets to feed me? I no longer have tankmates to nibble on...what will I eat? Perhaps if I keep to myself and flare out my fins now and then to impress her, she will continue to swim past, make goofy faces, and feed me. She will tell me what a handsome boy I am and I will silently agree. After all, look in the mirror...what's not to love?

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Nice Fat Ankles and Nubby Feet!!!

Good Morning My Beautifuls!

Okay, so the other day I picked up some sock wool to make some Jaywalker socks (with a shorter leg on it). Well, I was so excited to get going I just grabbed my needles and knit away. Now, I really wasn't paying attention. I used 3.0 mm dpns (double pointed needles) for my "Almost 10-lb Socks" so I wasn't thinking to even check what the pattern calls for (2.25 mm dpns). I thought the sock looked rather "fat" while I was working on it. But, like an idiot, I just kept knitting. I Kitchener'ed the toe last night and I was left with...hmmm...let's just say it looks like it was made for a person with extremely fat ankles and a nub for a foot.
I like the colourway of the wool, especially with the Jaywalker pattern. You can't tell from this picture, but it is actually quite loose around the ankle. However I'm gonna have to frog this one (rrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiip it out). They are supposed to be a gift for someone and I can't possibly give them that!!!! They would be offended. It would be like saying, "I love you and your fat ankles and nubby feet!" Horrible!!!!
Well, a week has passed since I last wrote. Sorry about that. It's not that my life jacked up to an exciting level or anything. I was just...busy. Doing what? Well...it couldn't have been that exciting since nothing really comes to mind.
However, I was checking my e-mail messages last night and I received a letter from one of the magazines I submitted an article for. They are going to print my article!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo! I believe that's #4 on my list of "things to do" this year. Booyah!
Well, I'd better go. I have a sock to frog, breakfast to eat, and victory dances to be danced! Have a great day, my pretties...

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Great Canadian Bar-b-que, eh?

Hello Loverly Peoples!

I have to share something with you all that just struck me as "something only a die-hard Canadian will do, eh".

Tonight I had a real hankerin' for a nice thick BBQ'd steak. Now, we here in Canada have had a pretty mild winter compared to usual (at least in our neck of the woods). Normally many Canadians pack up their BBQ with their lawnmower for the winter and break it out in the spring. Believe me, nothing smell more num-nummy than the smell of steak BBQing after a hiatus of approximately 6 - 8 months. You can't even begin to describe that ethereal smell wafting through the air which signals the beginning of spring in many parts of our fine country.

Well this year we have been rather privledged to be BBQing up to this point in our area (if it so interests you). The other night we had a bit of a snow storm which left the deck and BBQ covered with a beautiful blanket of snow. Well, what does any good Canadian do when she is just dyin' for a grilled steak. She heads out into the cold night in the proper apparel for BBQ shovelling.

After a good five minutes shovelling the deck off (I've actually been keeping up with it this year...usually the snow builds up to the top of the rail), fresh air in my lungs, and cheeks rosy with excitement...I head to the BBQ . Only a good Canadian will dig the BBQ out of the snow and crank on the propane tank (with a bit of difficulty...when frozen, the knobby-thingy no-likey to turny). Next, one gently coaxes the "on-off knobs" (okay, so I'm not so technical). By coaxing, I mean chipping away the ice with the sharp corner of the shovel until they turn, and by gentle, I mean gripping the knob with gloved fingers and wrestling it until the ice cracks away and the knobs begin to move rather stubbornly...but they're movin' folks! Finally, with butane lighter in hand get a flame going that will be hot enough to melt any remaining ice of the BBQ (did I mention the lid also refused to budge, thereby needing to be "gently chipped at with aforementioned shovel???).

Next, one preps the potatoes for the Great Canadian grillin' experience.

Next, prep meat of choice -- tonight's feature a loverly selection of ribeye steaks (beef). However, for a truly Canadian experience one could try elk, buffalo, deer, or moose. But, alas, my hubby is not a hunter...ergo, we're grillin' the boeuf. I think we'll go with a sprinkle of garlic and a dash or Montreal steak spice for the flavah! Sounds pretty good so far, eh?

Now the grillin' may commence: Behold! The Great Canadian BBQ, eh?

Please note, by this point the "chef" (moi) has relieved herself of the previously needed outerwear. Now gone are the fleece, the knitted touque & scarf, no gloves. Just a short sleeved t-shirt, flannel pj bottoms, and boots are required for running in and out the door for flipping purposes (I know...totally sexy, eh?)...note...a true Canadian doesn't need no stinkin' socks in her boots!

The key to a Great Canadian winter BBQ is to be mindful of lifting the lid to the BBQ. When the temp outside reads -25 degrees C (approx. -18 degrees F) you want to be efficient in your requirement to lift the BBQ lid for flipping. Now, there can't be any dilly-dallying. You race outside, open lid, flip items quickly and without hesitation, close lid, then race back in the house. If you have done this successfully, you will not have felt any cold breezes on your bare arms or ankles. I must warn you, please exercise caution when handling metal tongs. We don't want them freezing to your hands!

Finally, the grilled beast is ready, potatoes are garlicy, and veggies have been prepared. Time to go enjoy my Great Canadian BBQ. Talk to ya later, eh?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Big Dancing, Small Town

This is just a silly dancing video with funky music. Just made me smile today

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Snow Storm Alert

Well, we're starting to feel the effects of a big snow storm heading our way from across Canada. It started to snow earlier this evening, but we're expecting about 10 cm in the next 24 hrs (approx. 4 inches). But we're up the hill so we tend to get quite a bit more than town. We'll have to hunker down for the next day or so. Yeeee Hawww...that just means knittin' will be done! Still working on my scarf, my felted slippers, and I'm froggin' a pair of sock that I've been working on (pattern used was not my ususal...stupid pattern) so the first one has to get rrrrrrrriiiiiiiiipped out and started again. Yargh!

Just a quick one tonight. Been kind of a sucky day and can't think of anything happy to write about. Perhaps tomorrow will bear loverly topics of interest. Good night, dahlings!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Everything Is Back To Normal

Hello My Peeps!

So, I had an interesting conversation with a couple of good friends yesterday. We were talking about New Year's Resolutions and whether I had made any. I very proudly informed them that I don't make them, because of the reasons stated in my previous post (Jan 3rd). And besides, I am a princess so if I don't want to do something, I simply don't. As the conversation continued, I mentioned how in the new year I would like to do some stuff, get some info, etc. when my friend Bruce (I won't mention his name) said, "Hmmm...sounds like a resolution to me!" Well, to say I was flabbergasted is an understatement. I refused to believe it. It couldn't be possible! I NEVER make resolutions! EVER!

For the sake of argument, let's just say my friend Bruce (I won't mention his name) was right! What would my list consist of? Where do I see myself this time next year?
  1. Eat right, move more...lose weight.
  2. Knit more, nap less.
  3. E-mail or phone friends and family more often.
  4. Write something and get it published.
  5. Get to bed before midnight.
  6. Get up early to write.
  7. Kiss and hug my baby girl & hubby more (as if that's even possible).
  8. Declutter and organize my house.
  9. Keep my newly decluttered and organized house clean (without complaining that I need a maid to do it all for me).
  10. Eat at home more...eat out less.
  11. Drink more water...less pop.
  12. Floss daily.

Okay, so for the sake of argument, that's a pretty long and hefty "resolutions" list. And for the sake of argument, have I even attempted any of it yet? Well, yes, I have! Today I finished working on an article I'm submitting to a magazine for publication ("Resolution" #4) and I always have a short story or two burning in my brain. We're doing pretty well on "resolutions" # 10 and #11. And merely eight days into this new "James Bond 007" year, I'm doin' pretty well on numbers 1 and 2. "Resolution" #7 is just a given, but it doesn't hurt to aim for a few extras every day.

But, as I have stated previously. I NEVER make resolutions. EVER! I just like to make lists!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

No New Year's Resolutions For Me

Well, I have decided no resolutions this year. Why? Because I NEVER keep them. So really, let's just save ourselves the disappointment, shall we? Yeah, I could chant the same ol' tune again this year: "No more pop, less food, more moving, more of this, less of that...", but to what avail? Let's just say this year I'm going to try to be a little more aware of what I am doing/not doing/eating/not eating/drinking/not drinking. That way I can't beat myself up when things don't go according to plan.
Tomorrow is D-day...Dentist-day. To say I get nervous going to the dentist is a bit of an understatement. Let's just say when I drop my husband off for HIS dental appointments, I begin to hyperventilate. But tomorrow is my six-month check-up. Am I dreading Black Thursday...well, yes...yes I am. I have not had a good record of excellent dental health. Now, don't get me wrong. I think dentists are fine, upstanding people. However, a lifetime of fillings, braces, a root canal, dental surgery, and floss-nazis (that's my "term of endearment" for the loverly hygenists) has left me as a shivering, whimpering, blob of jello-type messiness. But I do love my new dentist. She is a very kind and patient lady whom I adore. Plus, she gives me the stuff! Now, I'm talkin' about the nitrous, baby! Nitrous Oxide! Gas of the Dental Gods!!! (aka...laughing gas). It makes the whole process seem a little less daunting. It kind of gives you the feeling of having a few glasses of wine under your belt before going under the light. With the gas, everything is funny and beautiful. The dental hygenist/floss-nazi can tell you for the 900,000,000,000th time that you need to floss more, but that feeling shame because of your dental neglect doesn't seem to really bother you as much when you're sucking back the nitrous. In fact, I believe I have actually burst out laughing while telling her, for the 900,000,000,000th time, "Tonight, I promise I will start anew! Flossing will commence!" (I may have even saluted her...) But we both really know I'm lying through my teeth. Look, I tell her what she wants to hear, and she gives me the gas I need to endure this ridiculous basic routine of life.

On to happier things in life. My Lacy Kerchief Scarf is coming along swimmingly! It is beautiful and sunny today so I thought I'd post a few piccys:

Lying in the morning sun

A more detailed shot
Buttery Goodness!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Still Reeling From New Year's Eve

Hello loverly peoples!

A great big happy new year to everyone! I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve. The title of my post is actually rather deceiving since it would bring up images in one's mind of me about 18 years ago (*sob*...how time has past...how the weight has gathered!!! *sniff*) moving and gyrating on the dance floor at some hot rockin' New Year's Eve gala affair.

However, it really was a quite evening on the homefront. We had a freaky rain storm all day which later turned to a snowy-slushy affair. Hence, we would not be heading to town for our annual New Year's Eve dinner. Ergo, we put the life of some poor, underpaid delivery boy in jeopardy who brought us a Chinese feast to fill our bellies. But being the ever faithful worker he crawled up the hill from the city to bring us our num-nums.

After dinner I donned a sexy little outfit (picked out special for the night)...old flannel pj bottoms (covered with snowmen and snowflakes) and a t-shirt. But not just any t-shirt. Rather, it is one sexy little number complete with ripped armpits and laden on the belly with holes of varying shapes and sizes.

With diet cola in hand I sauntered over to the kitchen table where my darling hubby and daughter were waiting for me. They were ready to hunker down for a good ol' fashioned games night. Madeline proudly displayed her latest game acquisition, "The Littlest Pet Shop" game. The rest of the night was filled with gleeful squeals and giggles...I'm not sure why, but my hubby and dd kept giving me the strangest looks.

Once baby girl was put to bed for the night, I settled onto the couch and continued knitting my scarf and hubby and I watched the countdown on Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve. Once the ball dropped declaring the end to 2006 and ringing in the new year, things got pretty crazy around the house. Our next door neighbours started to fire off their firecrackers to begin the new year and we just stood in our window and watched the colours dance into the sky. Very romantic!

Soon after (approximately 12:06 a.m.) the fireworks had ended, I enjoyed a bowl of Corn Flakes, kissed my hubby good night and went to bed to read.

Boy, New Year's Eve definitely has changed!

I wish you all the very best for 2007.