Hi All,
Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted ... not even sure who's out there anymore.
I (and the rest of my family) have suffered through the flu/colds. But I'm back. Knitting classes went well for fall. I'm still needing to finish one more before Christmas, but I'm waiting for materials to arrive. I'm hoping to get everything this week.
I also have to finish a few hats this week. I'm knitting them to sell for commission so I'd like to get them done and sent off by Friday or Saturday. I"ll post pics later this week.
Need to get my girl to bed...goodnight and I'll talk to you soon.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I'm Alive!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
THERE is another Loneliness
This picture was found on Flickr -- what I wouldn't do to be able make magnificent shots like this! *sigh*
Hmmm...not sure why the picture is cut off on the right -- just click on the photo for the full experience :D
Friday, September 11, 2009
I Don't Tweet...*gasp*
So, as some of you may or may not know, I don't trust robots! I have claimed they will take over the world some day -- and you can take that to the bank. In fact, I have recently been told that I am a Luddite. And after doing a bit of review, I think I would concur with that statement. I really do not like technology: I have a Facebook account, but I rarely check-in (yes...*gasp*...there are some people in the world that can get along just fine without checking in every five minutes to make sure nothing new has happened, or whatever they seek to find); I have never checked out Twitter (I don't need to know that you picked your nose five minutes ago and the bleeding just won't stop); I truly hate cell phones (I mean, what phone call is so important that you have to answer your cell in the middle of the freezer section in Costco!); I've never owned a PDA (since I prefer to handwrite all my to-do lists...anything else is just, well, wrong!); and what is up with people downloading books to read on their i-phones? Do they not know there is nothing better than the feel of an old book in your hand (not to mention the great "old-book smell"!).
Perhaps it is because I am a tactile person. I love the feel of something real in my hand -- the silkiness of a child's hair, the rough texture of my dog's coat, the buttery-goodness of alpaca mixed with wool or other loverly fibres. I suppose I'm a bit old-school. I have no desires for new technology. Okay, yes, the internet is a valuable tool and I love that my house is heated because someone took the time to invent the furnace. But when it comes to these other things, I just can't get on board. I've had a couple friends and family members try to give me the hard-sell on the importance of technology and the advances it could make in my life. But in the end, I would rather sit curled up on the couch on a snowy day, wrapped in a blanket with a steamy cup of chai tea at hand, and a wonderful novel in my other hand. Or my latest knitting project. But this world is free of beeping noises that can drive a person crazy if they are left unattended to.
So I am proud to say, I don't tweet...and my life is richer than I ever thought it would be!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Has It Been 10 Days???
Tonight while websurfing I came across this great video -- for all those knitters who always need to be doing something with their hands, I give you...The Last Knit.
Monday, August 31, 2009
First Day of Grade 5
My dd had her first day of Grade 5 -- it was an exciting day as she started at the middle school! She was a bit nervous last night, but came bounding in the house today exclaiming school would be a piece of cake this year.
On the knitting front, I've been working on a pair of worsted weight socks for a class I'll be teaching at the end of the month. It's a pretty easy pattern and works up quickly because of the weight of the yarn. I'm just making ankle length socks -- wasn't sure how the pattern would knit up, and I didn't want to waste a lot of time frogging it if pattern didn't work. But it is great basic pattern and you could do a lot with it.
On the reading front, if you haven't read her book series, I highly recommend you pick up Kate Jacobs' books The Friday Night Knitting Club and Knit Two. Such lovely books! I could read them again and again. After you've read them, here is a fun website to go to.
Well, that's it for tonight. I need to get my girl into the tub and off the bed! Have a great night everyone!!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Look at these beautiful colours! Anyone would be crazy to not want to pick this up and feel how squishy it is in your fingers. It just begs to be held and made into something extraordinary. In fact, my toes are screaming at me to create, create, create so that they will be warm and toasty -- and gorgeous.
The possibilities are endless. I could do a plain sock and let the colours blend themselves into loverly patterns, I could cable them, I could make them lacy, I could zig-zag the striping! My head is swimming with ideas.
My thoughts race through the countless sock patterns I have in my library -- each one beautiful in it's own category. This is going to require some thinkin'.
Until then I will hold it's squishy-fiberlicious goodness in my hands...
Friday, August 21, 2009
Why I Do What I Do
In my office/yarn studio I have a lovely little Christmas tree decoration my mom gave me this year. I keep it out though, because it sums up what I do. It is a knit sweater with a ball of yarn and knitting needles -- it says "If I'm sitting, I'm knitting"!!!!! It makes me smile every time I look at it. Not only because it reassures me that my mom "gets me", but because it affirms that I am not the only one in the world who fills their free time with wonderful art of knitting.
I think the other reason I love to create something from simple items, is because I find it extremely therapeutic. The rhythmic spinning of the potter's wheel, the pedalling action of spinning wool on a wheel, the gentle breath held while pressing down the shutter button...or the quiet clicking of knitting needles. It helps me relax and puts me in a great frame of mind. If I am angry, I create. If I am happy, I create. If I am sad...I create. There is something wonderful about doing something creative to take your mind off the worries of the world. There is something wonderful about doing something creative that puts you in a better frame of mind. There is something wonderful about doing something creative that helps you relax and put everything into the proper prospective.
Hmmmm...I just had an epiphany...
What better form of therapy for inmates than to teach them to knit. Can you imagine the peacefulness of a knitting circle reforming convicts everywhere? Men (and women) righting their wrongs through the power of fibre! Maybe they could knit for a good cause -- Hats for the Homeless...Ascots for Addicts...Scarves for Smelly Cats...
However, they would probably use the knitting needle as a weapon. Whew...who knew knitting could be so dangerous!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Poster Idea
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
So Hot!

Autumn has always been my favourite time of year, and right now, with the excitement of knitting classes coming up, I just can't wait for fall to arrive. *gasp* I know, I know. We had a long winter and a cold, crappy spring...why kiss away the warm dog days of summer? Only a true knitter would understand, I suppose. Or maybe as I grow older (and more grumpy) the heat just gets to me. I like days around 22 degrees (Celsius), but nothing makes me happier than waking up in the morning with the window open allowing a crisp, cool breeze to wash over me.
Have a great night everyone -- stay cool!
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Exciting News

Hi Everyone,
Sorry it's been so long. I've been busy with photography as of late and I am returning to my other true love...knitting...and writing...hmmm...so many loves, so little time.
Well, as for me I have decided to take the plunge and start up a small business here in our new community. I am going to start out of my home teaching knitting classes, selling finished projects, and selling a few products. The closest knitting shop is about 2.5 hours from here...too far in my opinion. I am going to be offering knitting classes starting this fall as I work on my business plan. After a year I will re-evaluate where I'm at, and hopefully find a storefront I can work from. Oh, what a dream come true that will be!!!
Why now? Well, I am currently working two part-time jobs which, let's be honest, I don't exactly jump for joy about. And for the amount of money I bring in each month, I could be making the same amount (or more) and really love what I'm doing.
Have a great day everyone -- it's good to be back!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Missing Thunder Bay
I'm really missing Thunder Bay lately. There is just so much to explore and capture with my camera that I didn't have a chance to do before we moved.
This picture is of Split Rock Lighthouse in Minnesota. I REALLY had wanted to go back and take more pictures some day, but we have since moved two provinces away. They have a neat Visitor's Centre with tours that we never had a chance to do. I took this picture at the end of the day as we were driving back to Thunder Bay from Duluth, MN. The ladies were really kind to let me race outside and snap a couple pictures before they closed up for the day.
Such a beautiful and amazing place!!!!
I have been knitting a ton of stuff lately. I'll take a few pictures in the next few days and post them. I've been doing a lot of commissioned knitting projects, and still selling at our local shop. Actually, one of the ladies I've knit a few projects for lately has asked if I would consider teaching knitting here in town. She and a few others are interested in learning. I told her I would think about it this next couple of weeks and get back to her. I would really like to -- it would be a great experience!
Well, better sign off. I have to work at the restaurant tomorrow so my boss can have the day off. I'm pretty tired, so I'd better get to bed! Have a great weekend. I'll be away until Tuesday...tah tah for now :D