Hello Babies,
Sorry it has been almost a week since I've posted. Again...same excuse. Life is busy around our house until after Easter. Other than that, I've been busy working on mom's shawl and, of course, spinning.
This means, however, that housework has been adamantly avoided. Much to my family's dismay! Hey, I never said cleaning was my pride and joy and gosh darn it how I love spending my day that way. As my faithful readers know, I'm the kind of gal that can live with dirt and I don't mind wearing the same t-shirt again before throwing it in the washer. I'm not proud of it. In fact, I am quite embarrased by the state of the house when people drop by for a visit. It's something I am working at improving in my life. 'Cause nothin' says "I love you" like a drawer full of clean underwear!
But thankfully my hubby loves me, warts and all! He puts up with my messy ways and dirty crafts (did I tell you how filthy the latest batch of fleece is that I'm working on??? I have to pick out all the teeny bits of seeds, thistle, and blades of grass...but it is quite dirty and so by the time I have finished picking and carding, I have quite a little pile of dirt on the floor.) But I do sweep that up immediately after finishing...geez, I'm not that filthy!!!
I have been enjoying the joy of spinning. Today I took a few pics of my latest bobbins of singles.
I should be ready to ply the first skein sometime tonight or tomorrow. Then I will weigh it and figure out how much I have left to spin up before I'm ready to tackle my next handmade, handspun project. I have an idea what I'll be doing, but I'll post that info later when I'm ready to start.
Enjoy the pics...talk to you later, 'gater!